ÈÍÒÅËÐÎÑ > ¹2, 2010 > SummarySummary13 ìàÿ 2010 |
I. Sh. Aslanova Dialog as a Form of Interreligious Communication The conception of dialog as a methodological basis for interreligious communication is becoming more and more popular taking into account conditions of social globalization and transformation of religious consciousness. During the transformation process development of the dialog passed a long way and transformed from unconscious cultural exchange to conscious imperative demanding institutional formation. There is no unambiguous opinion concerning the dialog in religious sphere, but one should admit that at the present stage of development of interreligious communication the dialog is of high necessity with the view of forming tolerate society.
I.V. Aster Crisis of social relations and problem of loneliness in the conditions of the russian megacity The crisis of social relations in different spheres of collective life (work, family, school) shouldn’t be regarded only as a reduction of primary solidarity. It reflects primarily the socialization process failures leading to a certain risk of social identity development. Moreover, the social identities crisis accompanying the process of modern Russian society socialization influences not only those who failed to adapt to technology and cultural systems development. The data obtained indicate that apathy, boredom and social vacuum concern the majority of urban community. People become reclusive, the sense of social life is being destroyed and loneliness comes.
G.K. Hakhverdyan The Conception of National Security in the Context of Globalization Processes The article is devoted to the analyses of the development of the idea of national security and to the way it obtains new dimensions during the process of globalization. The new menaces to state’s, society’s, person’s safety and the importance of the international security in the context of national security of individual state are represented. The significance of integration processes for removing a number of non-conventional threats to national security is revealed here.
S. Benvenuto The Beasts Next Door Psychiatry today is permeated by DSM–the diagnostic manual that has more and more become the basic training for the new generations of psychiatrists. DSM is concerned only with explicit symptoms and syndromes, it is blind to psychic structures: according to DSM, pathology has no relationship with “normal” ways of being. Either one is suffering from a “mental disorder”, because one has symptoms a, b, c, d… or one’s fine. On the contrary, Freud interpreted the pathologies classified at the time in dynamic continuity with the psychic structures of the so-called normal. Thus one could have, for example, an “obsessive character”, without necessarily suffering from any clinically relevant obsessive symptom.
N.Z. Brosova Aspects of Language in the Philosophy of Martin Heidegger In her article, Dr. Natalia Brosova investigates the most important parts of Martin Heidegger's philosophy of language. She directs her attention toward such important concepts as Thinking, Saying, and Silence -- which in Heidegger's mind are simply different forms of the "Otherness" of language -- and toward the opposition of authorship and anonymity. She also analyzes Heidegger's interpretation of the phenomenon of "Poetics".
V.J. Darenskiy Soviet “marxizm-leninizm” as phenomenon of secular neo-Gnosticism The author considers the problem of “gnostical” roots of soviet “marxizm-leninizm”. The author considers the paradigm principles of “marxizm-leninizm” as a quasi-religion, which is grounding on “gnostical” style of thinking. In articles special attention devotes to interpreting of phenomenon of worldview reflection as an essential aspect of this tradition. Heuristic potential of “dialectical logic” (which is grounded on specifically Russian cultural experience) are demonstrated in this article.
G.G. Ivaschenko Innovative changes as a basis of organizational prosperity in G.Hamel and J.Trout's concepts The article considers G.Hamel and J.Trout's concepts of organizational progress, compares and analyses them in terms of innovative changes, concludes concerning possible applications of these concepts in theoretical researches and in practical activities.
O.M. Êîndratova Destruction of the Ethnic Identity of Russians as the Result of Russia Informational Policy Ethnic conflicts and ethnic violence have become the essential feature of the post soviet history. They are directly connected with the painful processes which involve great masses of people searching for their identity because they have lost their orientation in life. The Russians, being nation-building population of Russia found them selves in the mast difficult situation as they exerted technological influence most of all. Information-manipulative technologies used by the Russian mass media have turned out to be the most destructive for the national identity of the Russians.
A.S.Êluev Music As A Superattractor of The System-Evolving World Using a synergetics approach the author determines the place of music in the system-evolving world and shows that within the paradigm of synergetics music can be defined as a superattractor of the system-evolutionary motion of matter.
V.I. Krasikov A Structure of Russian Philosophical Community in the Beginning of XX: the Main Positions Using the methodology of R. Collins the author researches chief points in a field of intellectual attention of Russian intelligentsia in the end of XIX – the beginning of XX centuries. There are following: Russian religious philosophy New idealism (Kantian movements) Marxism Personalistic metaphysics New positivism & peculiar Russian Scientism. These positions are described by their staff of participants and their philosophical views. Y.V. Man'ko Historical Speculators and Historical Speculations The article considers the perversions of history when analyzing driving forces and sources of the Soviet people victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 against fascist Germany by such authors as I. Chubais, V. Pozner, G.Mitrofanov, etc. Attempts to equalize the responsibilities of the Soviet Union and fascist Germany for breaking out World War II are marked as inappropriate on the basis of documents. Anti-Soviet and anti-Russian background of the exaggerated role of the second front when defeating fascism is emphasized.
A.J. Pidjakov, M.N. Mayor Legal Views of P.A. Sorokin The article presents the author’s analysis concerning P.Sorokin’s original ideas about law, law consciousness, law norms and beliefs as the essence of law behavior. Historical and sociological approaches of P.Sorokin’s methodology are discussed.
A.S. Matveev Management in social interaction structure In article the concept of management from the point of view of philosophy is represented. The structure of a society and the mechanism of interaction of parts of this system are described. Through a prism of modern global processes are considered such concept as the subject and object of activity.
A.G.Myasnikov Evolution of patrimonial moral consciousness in Gogol "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka" In article the problem of evolution of patrimonial moral consciousness in N.Gogolja's early creativity is considered. The special attention is given to transformation of concept "conscience".
D.A. Olshansky Truth in Reading: “The Purloined Letter” of Edgar Poe from J. Lacan to J. Derrida Jacques Lacan begins his collection of his clinical works “Écrits” from the analysis of literary text by Edgar Poe. Freud himself compared his analytical work with the detective and Lacan used the plot of “The Purloined Letter” to illustrate the way of working of psychical apparatus, because the question about writing and memory is known to be the main in theory and practice of psychoanalysis.
E.A. Savelieva, L.B. Sokolova Museum as a mean of support of understanding interaction of young student with the regional and ethnic world of culture New approaches to using of museum sphere as a mean of support of understanding interaction of younger student with the regional and ethnic world of culture are considered. Making Literature and Art Centre after M. A. Sholokhov of Ufa branch of “Moscow State Humanitarian University after M. A. Sholokhov” a museum is cited as an example. Key words: museum pedagogy, museum and pedagogical systems, museumilized culture environment, culture and education sphere museumfication.
A. Sagikyzy Science and humanism in a context of the challenges of the present time The modern society is based on idea of scientific and technical progress, this society in which a science and scientists play dominating roles. In the face of unknown power and new measurements of activity of the person we do not have right to choose the non-existence of the future generations, or at least to risk this life for happiness and prosperity of present generation. Therefore, the regulative idea of unity of true and the blessing at level of personal consciousness should act in the form of the basic motive of employment as scientific activity.
V.E. Semenkov The eleventh’s thesis of Marx about Feuerbach: New science or New pragmatics of philosophy? The article is focused on the interpretation of famous 11’th thesis of Marx about Feuerbach. The author of the article asserts the 11’th thesis does not have only one dimension; by way of contrast, it must be analyzed through different perspectives. If Marx himself took antiphilosofical position more seriously, modern philosophers look at the 11’th thesis as at a new direction of philosophy.
P.I. Smirnov The Term "Society": Problem of Essentiality of Contents The article argues that in logically correct term "society" should be represented the essential features of that phenomenon. The most important feature of any union of the people is the type of their relations, which joint them. It is known several types of the relation (natural, emotional, communicative, active, legal). The most essential feature of the society is active relations (exchange of the products of their activities). On the basis of two ways of formation of any term (on the basis of clear representations and with the help of term "system") the author proposed four logically correct terms "society", which could be used in different researchers. Âåðíóòüñÿ íàçàä |