ÈÍÒÅËÐÎÑ > ¹3, 2009 > Summary


20 íîÿáðÿ 2009


The cognitive’s a concept of territorial social andeconomic behaviour in regional society

In clause theconcept of concept is considered cognitive’s “Territorial behavior” In theexpanded kind. Experience of the theoretical and methodological analysis andevolution of research paradigms of constructive geography concerning anestablishment of ontology communications between people and territory ispresented, having presented these communications in the form of completesystems, for reception of an integrated image of a society at highertheoretical level.


G.K. Gizatova, O.G. Ivanova

Risk as an immanent feature of the identity forming inconditions of the globalizing society

The system changesconcerning the society and a person, the changes of their relationship, thetendency for social fragmentation are singled out by the modern social theoryas the main reasons which have caused the «risk consciousness» and its deeprootedness in all spheres of human existence. Examining risk as one of the main features of forming identity theauthors stress the change of its dimension from individual to social.


I. A. Gorkovenko ,V. I. Strelchenko

The sciences classification: experience, problems andoutlook

The  historical and modern experiences of sciencessystematization and  classificftion isinvestigated in this article.

            Thequestions of episthemological and onthological basical principles of sciencesclassification are considered in it. Theconditions of  the possibility of itsstrict  formulation and cognitive meaningare determined, too.


V.J. Darenskiy

            D.Mendeleev’sgreat discovery and universals of scientific knowledge

The authorconsiders the problem of “archetypical” roots of D. Mendeleev’s greatdiscovery. In articles special attentiondevotes to interpreting of phenomenon of worldview reflection as an essentialaspect of paradigmatically discoveries. The author considers the paradigmprinciples of “nonclassical” science, which is grounding on priority of socalled “system causality”. Ontology basis of these typos of science isconceptualized here. Heuristic potential of D. Mendeleev’s “style of thinking”(which is grounded on specifically Russian cultural experience) aredemonstrated in this article.


S.P. Ivanenkov, F.V. Kostrikin

The problems of research  of social activity ofthe youth

The article isdevoted to theoretical and practical consideration of a problem of socialactivity of youth. The specific features youth activism in modern Russia aredescribed. The authors offer the review of the approaches to research youthactivism, and also describe domestic and foreign technologies of increase ofsocial activity of youth.


S.G. Ivanov

Small discourse about general notions, liberalism andStalin epoch

The Article isdedicated to analysis history and cultural processes in Stalin epoch, itsworldoutlook base and divergences with liberalism. Except this in article is given an interpretingexceptional of totalitarianism the nature.

Z.R. Kadirova

Search of the way to opening during scientificcreativity

A way of opening isone of the major methodological and logic characteristics of research process.Productivity of search activity depends on its quality spent during itsrealization of time and efforts, as a whole success of research. A problem of away of opening is a permanent problem of a search process. It arises in thebeginning of search both again and again rises during its expansion. If it is aquestion of knowledge of essentially new phenomenon at once to plan a correctway of research it is impossible. A way of opening is postresultative andpostsituational phenomenon, i.e. such, when each of  subsequent characteristics comes to lightafter achievement of the next result and after when the next cognitivesituation will develop and will be generated. Character of last depends notonly on search activity of the researcher, but also from set of other factorsand the events which are taking place around of this activity. A way of openingis a trajectory of movement of the researcher or researchers on space of themaintenance of the studied phenomenon and relevant to it areas. It begins fromthe chosen basic point and comes to an end with an ultimate goal, requiredresult. This way can be characterized as naturally developing as its trajectoryin many respects depends on cash conditions, opportunities of the researcher,from various external circumstances. Therefore the way of opening also appearsas reflection of history and destiny of the last.


V.I. Krasikov

WASP – professionalism and feebleness: in eyes ofRussian emigrant intellectuals

The contributormakes a comparison between American and Russian intellectuals based ondescriptions of American life by Russian philosophers, sociologists and otherscientists who lived in USA. He strivesto explain both some common traits in their historical ways and radicalpeculiarity of American intellectuals.  


V.N. Medvedev

Administrative and Legislative Problems of theGovernorship Institute Improvement in Modern Russia

            The author of thearticle considers some questions concerning Government System Reform in ModernRussia and the Executive Power Structure optimization in particular.

Institutionalaspects of Governorship Institute development are the subject of investigation.Decentralization of administrationfunctions, democratization of governance, Political Participation and the mostactive part of citizens inclusion in the political process are considered to bethe priority of the reform.


Yu. Yu.  Pershin   

The archeology of religion:  sacrifice and sacrificing

In this work, theauthor exposes his ideas about the phenomenon of sacrifice and sacrificing incommon and sacred meanings. Trying todisclose the latter one the author proposes to explicate primordialmetaphysical meanings of the phenomenon and turn to its archaic understanding.


A. E. Petrossyan  

From end to means (Problems an their solution)

Virtually all theXX century had been marked by rapt interest in creative thinking and thereby innon-standard problem solving. One mayhave expected a general theory displaying its logical structure and mechanismsto emerge. But strangely enough it didn’t appear up to now. And that process asit is depicted in modern manuals represents nothing more than a scattereddescription.

Even the scientistswho made the most important contribution to understanding the problem solvingcentered in either separate aspects of it or its manifestation in some realm ofmental activity. So G, Polya paid hisattention mainly to mathematical thinking; that’s why he reduced in fact theproblem solving to handling the abstract patterns. K. Duncker substitutedheuristics for methods of problem solving. R. Ackoff took the search ofsolutions rather as an art than an ordered procedure. In their part H. Simonand A. Newell despite of putting in use the term “general problem solver”didn’t go beyond the well structured problems that could be easily brought to astandard form. No wonder that creation of a general theory of problem solvingbecomes with time only more relevant. And just this subject the present work isdevoted to.


G.M. Ruzmatova

Alfred Adler on the spiritual development of human

The articleanalyses the conception of famous psychologist Alfred Adler on human spiritualdevelopment. The article provided an overview of the works of the main Alfred Adler, which one way or another isaffected by the problem of human spiritual development.

Adler pays his attentionon the research of people’s relations and connections. With the help of this relations, the individual formshis relations, with the nature and social environment. The individual shoveshimself as a social structure. So, when Adler says about a person, he shoveshim as a social creation.



Credo of institute or the person?

            Anthropological-socialand cultural-historical aspects of the scientific approach to a chromaticproblem of existence of the person in a society have shown, that the status ofchromatism in system of cultural sciences can be determined by the relation tothe person as to the concrete carrier of culture. Experience has shown adequacyof chromatism in researches complex self-developing systems, for example,problems 'ideal' (E.V.Iljenkov, D.I.Dubrovskiy and M.A.Lifshits in discussion),and also developments of psychology and-or its subjective restrictions by«institutes of person ».


L. Habirova

Nonclassical rationality in nonclassical epistemology

In given clause isanalyzed a place of nonclassical rationality in nonclassical epistemology. Transition from classical to nonclassical epistemologyis accompanied by change of the device of rational thinking. Consideration anda substantiation of concept about nonclassical rationality, first of all,assumes adequate understanding of existence of the subject which carries outthe realized activity from the point of view of the control over the behaviourunder the reference to that validity to which it adjoins from positions of its change.

Within the limitsof studying of ontologic questions it is important to emphasize, that theresearcher deals with such situations when the problem of human existence isconnected with some personal efforts, with problems of the established order andother existential problems which play a main role in definition of a place ofthe person in the world and opportunities of understanding it of the essence. In this case the classical and the postnonclassicalscience does accent that on one of priority positions there is a problem of theresponsibility of the person, and not only for itself, but also for that worldwhich is designed by it.



K.G. Sheryazdanova 

Islamic civilization: the history and the present

There is anincrease in religiosity of people and stirring up of religious movement goingon in the present world; some of interethnic and interstate conflicts are ofreligious tint. These all give cause tocome to the conclusion that the religious factor becomes an importantinternational component.

The Islam, in theenvironment of the modified political pattern of the world, has objectiveconditions not only to continue being one of the leading religious systems ofthe world but also to strengthen its importance as an ideological banner ofnational movements in the substantial part of the Earth.

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