ÈÍÒÅËÐÎÑ > ¹2, 2009 > Summary


26 èþíÿ 2009
                V.J. Voblikov

The main trends of reconstruction «Civil Society» definition in second part of XX – beginning of XXI centuries: theoretical accesses

This article is about the problems of the «Civil Society» definition. Author analyses main theoretical trends which determinate the modern content of this social phenomena and its interaction with the state. The conclusion of the research is that civil society and state are linked by the public policy.


V.A. Volkovynskaya 

Truth and being in forming of the un-correspondental ontology

The main task of ontological discourse founded on distinction between being and entities is to release thinking from orientation on reflection of entities for the possibility of statement of the ontological question. For this possibility an un-correspondental theory of truth is required. The un-correspondental ontology denies demands of entities’ correspondental description and aims at search of being’s meaning.


D. G. Dabrarodni

Psychoanalysis as a methodological project in social and humanitarian knowledge

The article provides philosophical and methodological analysis of the main directions
of the evolution of psychoanalytical research tradition. The role of psychoanalysis
in the transformation of the methodological priorities of social and humanitarian knowledge
is examined. The heuristic potential and topicality of psychoanalysis for modern scientific
activities is assessed.


A. A. Kodar, Z. M. Kodar

A gender subject is in christian and islam traditions: point of divergence

The article is understood by distinction of gender subject in biblical and koranich traditions. In understanding of authors, this distinction passes not on the formal signs of etnokonfessional belonging, but on the capacity of men and women for internal autoidentifikation, individual consciousness.


V.I. Krasikov 

Russian Identity and Rationality as the Sense Focus of an Opposition between Universalism and Particularism in Home Philosophy. 

The paper explores questions regarding: Peculiarity of national forms of identity and rationality Opposition and complimentary of universalism and particularism in any national philosophy. The contributor provides an overview of: History and logics of opposition of Westernizers and Slavophiels Their main models of Russian identity. The author suggests his climate-economical model of causal determinacy of peculiar Russian rationality.     



“Organic critics”  by Apollon Grigoriev and polyphony of F.M. Dostoevsky

The article discloses the essence of the deep esthetic discords between the writer and the critic. The author analyzes the specificity of the Organic and Universal Poetics, and explains their relative opposition by addressing the principal difference between the cultural and philosophical sources of the outlooks of Grigoriev and Dostoevsky.



University Transformation of Philosophy: History and Prospects

In article historical precedent of finding by philosophy of the supreme status and authority on academy, a society and culture of the Western Europe of XIX century is analyzed and opportunities for modern philosophy to play one of the leading parts in development of global intelligence as to a wide network of multidisciplinary researches are shown.


E.V. Ledeneva

“Phenomenology of the internal consciousness of time” in the historic-philosophical context (commentary to work E. Husserl).

This article is the analysis of the work of Edmund Husserl “The phenomenology of internal time-consciousness” with the attraction of wide comparative material from Augustine to Jacques Derrida.  In the process of the analysis of the work of Husserl is revealed both the place in history for phenomenology itself   as the unique “boundary” between the classical and postmodern philosophizing and the intercommunication between the problem of time and the problem of subject, which implicitly is present in Husserl's book. The problems examined in the article make it possible to see the history of the European rationality in the new foreshortening. 


V.I. Medvedev

Sociology of Knowledge: Science or Hermeneutics?

What kind of knowledge sociology of knowledge could give? Could it be regarded as analogous to the knowledge of natural sciences? Who could be the subject of such discipline? Treating it both as a science and as a hermeneutics is criticized in this article. The model of critical social sciences, which use explanatory methods in hermeneutical context, is acknowledged to be the most adequate to the nature of sociology of knowledge.


A. E. Petrossyan  

From end to means (Problems an their solution)

Virtually all the XX century had been marked by rapt interest in creative thinking and thereby in non-standard problem solving. One may have expected a general theory displaying its logical structure and mechanisms to emerge. But strangely enough it didn’t appear up to now. And that process as it is depicted in modern manuals represents nothing more than a scattered description.

Even the scientists who made the most important contribution to understanding the problem solving centered in either separate aspects of it or its manifestation in some realm of mental activity. So G, Polya paid his attention mainly to mathematical thinking; that’s why he reduced in fact the problem solving to handling the abstract patterns. K. Duncker substituted heuristics for methods of problem solving. R. Ackoff took the search of solutions rather as an art than an ordered procedure. In their part H. Simon and A. Newell despite of putting in use the term “general problem solver” didn’t go beyond the well structured problems that could be easily brought to a standard form. No wonder that creation of a general theory of problem solving becomes with time only more relevant. And just this subject the present work is devoted to.


A.U. Pidjakov, F.N. Reshezkiy, Sh.B.Bajramov

Political Violence Typology

The article presents different types of Political Violence classification based on the original methodological and theoretical principles.

Comparative analysis of the typologies includes the authors original typology taking some definite kinds of Political Violence into account.


S. A. Povarnitsyn

On the causes of evalution  of the death reception

The article focuses on several aspects of phiosophical tanatology. A book by Philipp Aries, a french School of Annals thinker, “L'Homme devant la mort” is one of the main works on the topic, it traces the evolution of perception of death in the Western culture for over a millenium, since the Middle Ages and up until modern times. The article also researches into the moving forces of changes in the image of death in mentality.


I.S. Saveljeva

Myth and its impact on weltanschauung and culture: reminiscences of the future

The message of the article is the destiny of myth in the spiritual life of human society. Due to the comparison of different points of view the diversity and ambiguous character of the problem have been persistently accentuated. The idea of myth as not only the past but also the future of mankind is discussed herein.


M. A. Stepanov

From Anti-Edipus  to Anti-Narcissus. An alternative discourse in  the humanities

In article, alternative discourses of the humanities through Anti-Edipus of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari up to Anti-Narcissus and concept «body's thinking» of Dietmar Kamper are considered. According to Dietmar Kamper, the body - our lively body is the foundation of all our being and activity - is becoming a big issue. New experience which I name "experience of body's thinking" is necessary for the decision of this problem. It is a question of development new interdisciplinary and intercultural methodical position in anthropological researches.



Interrelation of the world policy and preservation of the environment

Millenia of historical evolution of all exchanges and attitudes between tribes, people, the countries, cultures have led to occurrence of the phenomenon of international life, have generated its structure, base components, its functional-technological internal communications, interdependence with external environment for the phenomenon (natural-physical complex, a private world of subjects of the international life; sphere of its direct dwelling created by the person). Occurrence of each subsequent qualitative level of the international life conducted to its complication not cancelling historically earlier levels. As a result there were four specific time and substantial layers, each of them is presented in a modern international life and influences it. This clause is devoted to interrelation of the world policy and preservation of the environment and observing these four substantial levels.


I.B. Chubais

Whether there is a social science in Russia and why we do not understand our own country

The author shows doubtfulness of the key theories of presentation of Russia maintained by our  humanitarian science. The thesis of differentiation but not unity  of the science of our country is being proved. Soviet union is principally a different state compare to Russian empire. A new concept of the processes and outcomes of the Great Patriotic War is introduced. It is shown that "Xrushhevskaja Ottepel" is the obvious result of the mutiny in GULAG but not the achievement of the 20 th party congress.


K.G. Sheryazdanova 

The judicial nature of diplomatic activity

The existence and development of a state as of an international entity and a party of the international relationship is impossible without external links to other international entities.

A special feature of the present-day international relations is interdependency of the states being confronted with global challenges which the humanity has faced and which tackling determines its survival. There is a need for cooperation on a worldwide scale and tight constructive interaction of the majority of the countries.

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