ÈÍÒÅËÐÎÑ > ¹3, 2011 > Summary


19 ñåíòÿáðÿ 2011
G.O. Abdikerova Kazakhstan model of socialized personality
This article discusses the features of socialization in Kazakhstan society. The author shares his thoughts on future models of socialization in Kazakhstan. As the author-date model of personality in Kazakhstan have their own characteristics and classification of functioning. For their study leverage synergistic methodology based on the technology of dialogue and equal partnership.
According to the author's actual creation of decent social protection for the full development rights generates a commitment to excellence, a sense of gratitude towards the state, which does not takes care of him as the helpless, and truly cares, creating conditions for self-improvement.
A.M. Anisov Text form as a means of idea justification
A text form can substantially contribute to a justification of an idea proposed in it, as revealed in this paper. Also a variety of text forms is recognized and analyzed to show that they constitute a hierarchical structure. Finally a number of actual philosophical texts are examined in terms of text forms utilized.
A.E.Ahnazarov  Phenomenon  of  law
The attempt to use the tools of semiotics, philosophical anthropology and evolutionary approach for the analysis of some categories of legal philosophy

P.A. Bojarinova,  O.V. Hazanov The Phenomenon of Religious Historicism: Jewish and Japanese Versions 
The article is devoted to the problems unsufficiently explored in Russian social studies - the problem of specific character of Jewish and Japanese religious and historical perception. The combination of ideographical and historical methods has been the basis for this research. Jewish and Japanese religious historism is examined through the dynamics of the evolution of its' forms. The article also suggests the analysis of certain static features, characteristic for the phenomenon in general, that predetermined a series of prevalent ideas of Jewish and Japanese national character.

V.S. Danilova, N.N. Kozhevnikov  Asceza, communication and limit foundation of the philosophy 
The natural coordinate system existence in the world is based. It’s formed by semiorganization on foundation three limits of dynamical equilibrium. The first is inner identification limit, the second – system-communication limit. The whole time of existence natural system is the third limits. They are unattainable because the ideals are better than it’s realization in the reality. All phenomena, processes, substances or structures may have “intercommunication cells” with coordinate system of Nature.

E.V. Kruglova The problem of human aggression is in interrelation with socialcultural environment.
 In this work the problem of human aggression is considered through the prism of the historical approach. The theories are summarized, conclusions about the problem current state are made. Questions of the raised level of aggression among youth and influence of socialcultural environments on formation of the person are mentioned. As the alternative to a society current state is considered the humanistic ideology, capable to contain growth of aggression among youth.
V.N. Lukin, T.V.  Musienko Modern Information Technologies and Netwar Terrorism Risks in the Context of Globalization
Integrative approaches towards political analysis of the problem concerning the Net War spreading in globalization era are discussed in the article. Potential risks of modern information technologies use by ideologically motivated international terrorist organizations of Islamic orientation are characterized.The analysis of the models and strategies aimed against Net War terrorism using IT is conducted.

E.R. Menshikova Grotesque consciousness as a phenomenon of Soviet culture
 The Revolutionary carnival of 1917, having broken welfare reference points, has blown up a society and has sprayed its setting particles in a civil distemper. The chaos of representations caused by an epoch of post revolutionary crisis, owing to tragically experiences, sociopolitical instability develops consciousness been impregnated with carnival in dialogue with a historical drama. And as the epoch tragically (total life) in 20 years already des ceded in daily occurrence has ripened necessity for other form of expression “tragically”, those which never managed – popular: travesty and carnival. The tragic element called for theatrical “stage”. Shift of understanding that gave grotesque of the form, has been determined by shift of consciousness that has occurred and it has appeared an ontological essence in thinking and attitude in XX a century. Writers M.Bulgakov, Y.Olesha, A.Platonov, sharply experiencing incompleteness of the dialogue with a society and life, searched in the dialogical nature of the consciousness of answers and have created in second half 20, when life was unstable, products of the existential order, in which the “return” perspective of universe vision concealed in grotesques. “Derision” that bore with itself grotesque, removed a pressure of tragically attitude of postrevolutinary epoch, but that the tragedy got giant scale.

D.A. Olshansky - The Main Rule of Psychoanalysis: From Clinics of Signifier to the Clinics of Jouissance
The main rule of psychoanalysis is well known to everyone, but history of its arise and dymanics of its development are noe so obvious and put for us some technical and ethical questions. First of all it is known that the main rule of talking cure - to talk everythin that comes to the mind - arises before psychoanalysis and thanks to this Freud comes to his method.

V. N. Samchenko Non-local communication: philosophy, mathematics and physics
The problem has arisen in Newton's theory of gravity. But still prevails in the physics of locality. He rose from A. Einstein, but Einstein himself created preconditions to overcome it. They developed with X-wave superluminal tunneling and quantum teleportation. Therefore, there are doubts about the theory of Einstein. The author shows that this theory is correct for your field. At the same time, the author attempts to chart the philosophical theory of non-local connection paths. This is the catalytic role of mathematics. Along the way, it’s proposed a new approach to the unified field theory, quantum gravity, dark matter and dark energy.

P.I. Smirnov Norm: behavior regulator and one of the basic concepts in sociology.
 This article examines norm as behavior regulator and one of the basic concepts in sociology. There is a suggestion to define norm as imperative and stable behavior pattern that is ideal by its nature and acquired by an individual. Social norms are featured by their relative prevalence in a society. There is a description of norm structure that includes (value and need), algorithm and sanction. Connection between norm structure elements, its features and norm main functions (regulative, ordering function etc.) as well as important socio-cultural phenomena – economy, morality, law and technology.      
 S. V. Smyrnyh Philosophical problem of our time and method of its decision 
The world history comes close to an epoch of freedom as essence of spirit. The subjective spirit should receive the reasonable existence. However, this philosophical problem of our time can be solved only by the method of philosophy itself.

 E.S. Strizhova - Is subversive repetition possible in gender theory?
  This paper deals with the conception of repetition and how it is applied to the feminist theory. I draw upon Seren Kierkegaards conception of repetition, Lacanian and Freuds psychoanalysis and Judith Butlers conception of subversion repetition to show that repetition has subversive potential in itself. Feminist movements try to deny the compulsory repetition of the hegemonic order because this order is the domination of masculine power, where the only way to be a woman is to play the role of the desirable object. Feminist way out is to protest and deny these norms, try to find ourselves as pure subjects. The feministic action tries to find true identity, a subject, who articulates his demands. But there is no subject before the law, and the discourse of power. So there is no way to articulate something, because of this paradox of power. The unconscious hidden side is some melancholic topos of desire. It is the emptiness, which is not controlled, not articulated. Let's call it forgotten loss which is the ground of the whole building of symbolic order. It makes us seek for the identity and fight for the acknowledgement and perform ourselves as subjects. On the other hand, repetition opens us the way to the hidden foundation of power, which is self-critical, self-burlesque, self-decay and splitting. That is why it has a potential to be undermined from within itself. 

R.A. Suslova Culture and anthropological crisis: current understanding
The article examines key aspects of the modern understanding of the concept of an anthropological crisis. Examines the role of genetics, environmental concerns, human nature in modern society, and the role of culture.
M.M. Shumilov Kyrgyzstan's role in realization of the US strategic interests in Central Asia in the contemporary world
This article analyzes the US policy in Central Asia and Kyrgyzstan in the 2000-s. The author determines the goals and objectives of the US regional strategy. The main attention is focused on the real efforts of the American government, diplomacy and militaries aimed to cope with the situation and strengthen their position in Kyrgyzstan in political, military, cultural and information aspects, put under control the local elites, weaken the influence of Russia and China. The results of this policy are scrutinized in the article.

E.Å.Epstein Russian political culture: traditions and the present
 This article describes and analyzes sociocultural traditions and contemporary trends in the configuration of Russian political culture.

T.B. Jurtaeva The potential of cultural and educational space in development of moral and legal culture of a student-economist
In this article we consider cultural and educational space as a necessary condition of development of moral and legal culture of s student. In the author’s opinion, purposefully created cultural and educational space allows a student to realize responsibility for choosing form and content of behaviour on condidition of economics of knowledge and uncertainty, creates atmosphere of values and examples of successful moral and legal conduct in the sphere of economics, serves as a source of development of  personality and a group of students.

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