S.A. Bochkaryov
Russian Thinkers on Anthropological Meaning of Privacy
I.I. Kalnoy
V.I. Vernadsky and his Noospheric Consciousness
Î. Katakinene
About the key concepts of analytical psychology by Carl Gustav Jung
O.A. Kirillova
The Text of the Revenge
A.S. Kluev
The functions of music
S.N. Kocherov
To the question of the sense of the Russian history
K.A. Kukso
The Intensity of death. The philosophical implications of macabre,s poetics
D .A. Makarovsky
Management and manipulation: borders of identity and distinction
O.J. Markovtceva
Metaphysics of association in psychoanalytic conception of S. Freuda
V.N. Lukin, T.V. Musienko
Value Change as a Trend of Globalization
I.Y. Nikolaeva, O.N. Muhin, A.Y. Solomein
Psycho-Social and Cultural Symbol of Authority Mythologems:
Comparative-Historical Contex of their Occurence
D. A. Olshansky
Symptom of Sociality in Freud’s Clinics (Dora’s Case)
M.K. Selezneva
The socially-philosophical analysis of process of socialization of youth as factor of development of the society
V.E. Semenkov
About institutional activity of university in the context demand for social knowledge.
H. Frank
The Space for the Enlightment Projects, or Fate Power for Europe (Meditation on Russia in German Philosophy of XIX-XX Centuries