ÈÍÒÅËÐÎÑ > ¹3, 2010 > By the Numbers

By the Numbers

05 àïðåëÿ 2011
1.02 billion: People worldwide who are hungry and undernourished. 642 million of them live in Asia and the Pacific, 265 million in Sub-Saharan Africa. (FAO)

148 million: Children being raised on inadequate diets. (unitedcalltoaction.org, PDF, 574KB)

670,000: Child deaths annually traceable to Vitamin A deficiency. (unitedcalltoaction.org)

7 to 1: Ratio of dollars returned in increased wages and decreased disability to dollars spent on vitamin A fortification. (USAID)

28 to 1: Ratio for dollars spent on iodizing salt (USAID)

84 to 1: Ratio for dollars spent on iron fortification. (USAID)

100 percent: Required food production increase to feed the Earth’s anticipated 2050 population of 9 billion. (FAO, PDF, 628KB)

$5.5 billion: Amount the U.S. Government will spend to fight world hunger over the next two years. (Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack)

55 percent: Proportion of global food aid paid for by the U.S. government over the last 50 years. (Vilsack)

70 percent: Amount of global fresh water supply used in agriculture. (FAO)

2,000-5,000: Liters of water required to produce the food in average daily diet. (U.N. - Water)

300 percent: Proportion by which Mexican wheat production increased while Norman Borlaug worked there. (Rand Study)

25 percent: Increase in calories consumed by average person in the developing world following the “Green Revolution.” (Gordon Conway)

250 percent: Increase in grain production between 1950 and 1984. (Kindall and Pimentel)

400 percent: Increase in yield over local varieties of weed-resistant and drought-tolerant sorghum hybrid plants developed by 2009 World Food Prize laureate Gebisa Ejeta. (World Food Prize)

300 percent: The increase in fish production in Bangladesh using aquaculture techniques developed by Blue Revolution founder Modadugu V. Gupta. (World Food Prize)

Top Crop Producers

The nations that lead the world in producing various crops of interest are noted below, according to the latest data available from the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization on the 2007 harvest.






187 million metric tons



109 million metric tons

 United States


330 million metric tons



9.5 million metric tons



43 million metric tons


Sugar Cane

550 million metric tons

(This is a product of the Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State. Web site: http://www.america.gov)

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