ÈÍÒÅËÐÎÑ > ¹1, 2019 > Comments on the Tom Rockmore’s article “Some consequences of Kant’s Copernican turn”

Vladimir I. Przhilenskiy
Comments on the Tom Rockmore’s article “Some consequences of Kant’s Copernican turn”

15 íîÿáðÿ 2019

The “remarks” assess the consistency of T. Rockmore’s assertion that Kant’s philosophy creates the possibility of further development of anti-representationalist and constructivist ideas. They criticize the reduction of the turn to the statement that phenomena are only representations, not things-in-themselves. Rockmore’s interpretation of the turn is opposed to a more traditional position whereby I. Kant changed a ratio of theoretical and practical in the hierarchy of knowledge, which caused a “revolutionary” and “turnable” revision of the whole idea of mind, its structure and content.

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