
Freedom in the World 2011 Release Booklet

As the year 2010 drew to a close, a series of disturbing events brought into sharp relief the challenges confronting the partisans of global freedom. In the most notorious case, the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party created an unprecedented international confrontation over the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to dissident intellectual Liu Xiaobo. Having failed to intimidate the Nobel committee into rejecting Liu, the authorities in Beijing threatened economic retaliation against Norway, hinted at reprisals against other governments that sent representatives to the award ceremony, and cast a dragnet for Liu’s relatives and fellow dissidents, dozens of whom were arrested or confined to their homes by police.

Press Release

Global freedom suffered its fifth consecutive year of decline in 2010, according to Freedom in the World 2011, Freedom House’s annual assessment of political rights and civil liberties around the world. This represents the longest continuous period of decline in the nearly 40-year history of the survey. The year featured drops in the number of Free countries and the number of electoral democracies, as well as an overall deterioration for freedom in the Middle East and North Africa region...

Overview Essay

As the year 2010 drew to a close, a series of disturbing events brought into sharp relief the challenges confronting the partisans of global freedom. In the most notorious case, the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party created an unprecedented international confrontation over the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to dissident intellectual Liu Xiaobo. Having failed to intimidate the Nobel committee into rejecting Liu, the authorities in Beijing threatened economic retaliation against Norway, hinted at reprisals against other governments that sent representatives to the award ceremony, and cast a dragnet for Liu’s relatives and fellow dissidents, dozens of whom were arrested or confined to their homes by police...

Table, Graphs, and Other Supporting Documents

Features graphical representations of global and regional breakdowns for freedom status, political rights and civil liberties ratings for each country and territory, the number and percentage of electoral democracies over the last two decades, and the total number of Free, Partly Free, and Not Free countries for each year since the survey began in 1972. Includes a summary of the Freedom in the World methodology...

Map of Freedom 2011

This color-coded map of the world identifies the Free, Partly Free, and Not Free countries in 2010...

Regional Maps of Freedom 2011

These color-coded maps identify the Free, Partly Free, and Not Free countries in 2010 in the Americas, Asia-Pacific, Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and North Africa, and Central and Eastern Europe/Former Soviet Union...