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Журнальный клуб Интелрос » Гуманитарные науки » №2, 2018

Cui Zheng
The Evolution and Prospects of the Russian Strategy in the Asia-Pacific Region

Cui Zheng,

Doctor of Political Science, Assistant Professor of Research
Center for the Economies and Politics of Transitional

Countries in Liaoning University, Shenyang, China



The understanding of Russia to develop the eastern area and to carry out Asia-Pacific cooperation has changed distinctly after the Ukrainian crisis. It no longer looks at the Asian-Pacific region from the previous perspective of the East and West balanced development and the Eurasian balanced diplomacy, whereas it regards cooperation with the Asia-Pacific countries as an important support for itself to get rid of the economic crisis and diplomatic isolation, and realize modernization, and as a battleground to pursuit the great national aspirations. Arms sales and energy are two important levers for Russia’s involvement in the Asian-Pacific region. Actively deepening the relations with China is a key element of Russia’s Asia-Pacific strategy. However, Russia’s “Turn to the East” is not only for China. Cooperation and balance are two means for Russia to construct the Asia-Pacific diplomatic diversity. It is a controversial issue whether Russia’s foreign strategy, “Turn to the East”, is a passive act or an active behavior. In fact, Russia’s “integration” with Asian-Pacific area faces many problems and challenges.

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