ÈÍÒÅËÐÎÑ > ¹140, 2016 > Our authors

Our authors

03 îêòÿáðÿ 2016

Timur Atnashev (School of Public Policy, RANEPA; senior researcher, School of Public Policy; senior lecturer; PhD) timur.atnashev@gmail.com;

Evgeniya Basovskaya (RSUH; head of Department of Media Discourse, Faculty of Journalism, Institute of Massmedia; D. habil.) jeni_ba@mail.ru;

Konstantin A. Bogdanov (Institute of Russian Litera­ture (Pushkin House), RAS; leading researcher; D. habil.) konstantin.a.bogdanov@gmail.com;

Andy Byford (Durham University; senior lecturer, School of Modern Languages & Cultures; PhD) andy.byford@durham.ac.uk;

Michael David-Fox (Georgetown University; professor, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service and Department of History; HSE; academic supervisor, The International Centre for the History and Sociology of World War II and Its Con­sequences; PhD) md672@georgetown.edu;

Alexander Etkind (European University Institute (Florence); professor, Depart­ment of History and Civiliza­tion; PhD) alexander.etkind@eui.eu;

Sergey L. Fokin (Doctor of Philology, depart­ment chair at St. Petersburg State University of Economics, Faculty of Humanities, Depart­ment of Romance Languages and Translation; professor, St. Petersburg State Univer­sity, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies) serge.fokine@yandex.ru;

Bruce Grant (New York University; pro­fessor, Department of Anthro­pology; PhD) bruce.grant@nyu.edu;

Dennis G. Ioffe (Department of Languages and Cultures, The Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Ghent University, Belgium; Depart­ment of Slavic Languages & Cultures, The Faculty of Humanities, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands; University Research Fellow; PhD) d.ioffe@uva.nl;

Elena Kardash (Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House), Russian Aca demy of Sciences; De­partment of Pushkin Studies, senior researcher; PhD) ekar4@yandex.ru;

Catriona Kelly (University of Oxford; profes­sor of Russian, Faculty of Medieval and Modern Lan­guages; D. Phil.) catriona. kelly@new.ox.ac.uk;

Kirill Kobrin (NZ; editor; PhD) kirill.kobrin@gmail.com;

Mayóa Kucherskaya (HSE; School of philology, Assistant Professor, PhD) mayakuch@gmail.com;

Olga Kuznetsova (MSU; headmaster, Young Phil ologists School, Fa culty of Philology; PhD) o_kuznetsova@mail.ru;

Stephen Lovell (King’s College London; pro­fessor, Department of History; PhD) stephen.lovell@kcl.ac.uk;

Dina Magomedova (RSUH; professor, head of De­partment of Russian Classical Literature History, Institute for Philology and History; Gorky Institute of World Literature, RAS; leading researcher, De­partment of Russian Lite rature of the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries; D. habil.) dinama-gom@yandex.ru;

Alexander Markov (MSU; leading researcher, Institute of World Cultures, Department of Christian Cul­ture; RSUH; professor, School of Art History; Gefter online magazine; academic supervi­sor; D. habil.) markovius@gmail.com.

Igor Nemirovsky (Academic Studies Press, Di­rector, PhD) igor.nemirovsky@academicstudiespress.com;

Andrey Ranchin (MSU; professor, Philologi­cal Faculty; Department of Russian Literaturå; D. habil) aranchin@mail.ru;

Douglas Rogers (Yale University; associate professor, Department of Anthropology; PhD) douglas.rogers@yale.edu;

Anatolii Rykov (SPbSU, professor of Western European art history, PhD) anatoliy.rikov.78@mail.ru;

Tatjana Shor (Estonian National Archive, Tartu; PhD) Tatjana.Shor@ra.ee;

Natalia Shrom (University of Latvia; associ­ate professor, Department of Russian and Slavonic Studies, Faculty of Humanities; PhD) natalia.shrom@gmail.com;

Anastasija Vedela (University of Latvia; lecturer, Department of Russian and Slavonic Studies, Faculty of Humanities; PhD) anastasija.vedela@gmail.com;

Mark D. Steinberg (University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign; professor, Department of History; PhD) steinb@illinois.edu;

Mikhail Velizhev (HSE; professor, School of Philology, Faculty of Humanities; PhD) nun.ce.problema@gmail.com.

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