ÈÍÒÅËÐÎÑ > ¹147, 2017 > Our authors

Our authors

01 íîÿáðÿ 2017

Polina Barskova (Hampshire College; associate professor at Department of Humanities, Arts, and Cultural Studies; PhD) polibars@yahoo.com.

Arkady Bliumbaum (European University at St. Petersburg; associate professor, Department of Art History; PhD) abliumbaum@eu.spb.ru.

Inna Bulkina (Kiev, PhD, independent scholar) inna001@rambler.ru.

Alexander Dmitriev (National Research University “Higher School of Econo mics”; leading researcher, Poletayev Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities; PhD) dualis@mail.ru.

Olga Dovgiy (Kulagina) (MSU; senior researcher; PhD) olga-dovgy@yandex.ru.

Ksenia Eltsova (RSUH, Higher School for European Cultures, senior lecturer; PhD) ksenia.eltsova@gmail.com.

Irina Golovacheva (PhD, Hab. Doc., professor of Saint Petersburg State University) igolovacheva@gmail.com.

Anton Khramykh (Petrozavodsk State University; researcher of Web-lab of the Institute of Philology, PhD) prestoptz@yandex.ru.

Igor Kobylin (Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy; assistant professor, Department of Social Science and Humanities; Ph.D.) kigor55@mail.ru.

Alexander Kondakov (European University at Saint Petersburg; Assistant Professor; Centre for Independent Social Research, researcher; PhD) akondakov@eu.spb.ru.

Anatoly Korchinsky (RSUH, assistant professor; PhD) korchinsky@mail.ru.

Marina Kuzicheva (MSU; senior lecturer; Physical faculty, English Language Department; PhD) marinakuzicheva@yandex.ru.

Jan Levchenko (National Research University “Higher School of Econo mics”; professor, School of Cultural Studies, Faculty of Humanities; PhD) janlevchenko@hse.ru.

Ekaterina Klimenko (Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences) ekavlaklimenko@gmail.com.

Irina Margolina (St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television; lecturer, Department of Dramaturgy and Film Studies, Faculty of Screen Arts; MA) irene.margolina@gmail.com.

Polina de Mauny (MA in Complex Systems from Saint Petersburg State University; MA student at Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III; Département: Littérature Générale et Comparée) polina.demauny@gmail.com.

Valery Merlin (Independent scholar; PhD) merlinvster@gmail.com

Sergey Ogudov (Gosfilmofond of Russia; leading researcher, Department of Biofilmography and International Relations) s.ogudov@gmail.com.

Irina Paert (University of Tartu; senior researcher, School of Theology and Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts and Humanities; PhD) irina@paert.com.

Angelina Saule (PhD student at the Faculty of Philosophy (Aesthetics); SPSU) angelinaoritemaya-saule@gmail.com.

Evgenij Soshkin (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; postdoctoral researcher; PhD) e_soshkin@yahoo.com.

Tatiana Venediktova (MSU; professor, Faculty of Philology; chair, Department of Discourse and Communication Studies; Dr. habil.) tvenediktova@mail.ru.

Yan Vygovsky (Maxim Gorky Institute of Literature; PhD student) v-janis@yandex.ru.

Marina Zavarkina (First private school of Petrozavodsk; Teacher of Russian language and literature; PhD) mvnikulina@mail.ru.

Daulet Zhanaydarov (National Research University “Higher School of Economics”; doctoral student, School of History, Faculty of Humanities) asterod92@gmail.com.

Mikhail Zhuravlev (DSC, professor of Saint Petersburg State University) myezhur@gmail.com.


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