ÈÍÒÅËÐÎÑ > ¹149, 2018 > Table of contentsTable of contents19 àïðåëÿ 2018 |
FINS DE SIE´CLE: The Anthropology of Pivotal Periods Special Issue 7 Editorial Preface P R O L O G U E 9 Christophe Charle. Fin de siècle (translated from the French by Alexander Murashov) T H E B A R O Q U E A S A M O D E L F O R F I N D E S I E C L E 24 Olga Matich. Fin de siècle: The Baroque and Modernism (In-betweenness, Spatialization of Time, Visuality) 49 Kirill Ospovat. “The Bronze Horseman”: Baroque, State of Exception, and the Aesthetics of Revolution 74 Evgeny Pavlov. Mortifying Writing: Konstantin Vaginov’s Leningrad Baroque T R A N S F O R M I N G S O C I A L S P A C E 92 Roy Porter. The 1790s: “Visions of Unsullied Bliss” (translated from the English by Nina Stavrogina) 117 Ekaterina Dmitrieva. Carefree Swimming and Orgiastic Dance: The Paris guinguettes of the belle époque 132 Evgeny Ponomarev. The Capital Restaurant as a Phenomenon of fin-de-siècle Russian Life (From Turgenev, Dostoevsky, and Tolstoy to Kuprin and Bunin) I N V E N T I N G T R A D I T I O N 145 Vadim Bass. The Invention of “Old Petersburg” 100 Years Ago: Towards a History of the Most Successful National Endeavor in the Separation of Architecture and Politics 175 Marina Mogilner. Fin de siècle of the Empire: Vladimir Zhabotinsky’s Island Utopia Table of contents No. 149 [ 1’2018] 198 Ksenia Malich. “Instauratio Urbis”: How to Preserve a City. Debates on City Planning in the Netherlands in the First Half of the 20th Century 218 Katia Dianina. The Return of the Repressed Heritage: Nicholas II as a Work of Art T R A N S G R E S S I O N A N D R A D I C A L A E S T H E T I C S 242 Dragan Kujundžić. Heart of Darkness as camera obscura (translated from the English by Aleksandr Skidan) 260 Dennis Ioffe. The Russian Post-Avant-Garde and the fin de siècle: the Aesthetics of Transfurism (Rea Nikonova, Serge Segay and beyond) T H E R A T I O N A L A N D T H E I R R A T I O N A L 283 Natalie Richard. Death and Modernity: Archaeology in 1900 Paris (translated from the French by Andrey Logutov) 300 Alexander Panchenko. “The Age of Aquarius” for the Builders of Communism: New Age Culture in Late Soviet Society and the Problem of “Periods of Change” 318 Marina Zagidullina. Post-Traumatic Reflection and Social SelfTherapy: How the Metaphor of “Spiritual Crisis” Works 333 Mikhail A. Stepanov. Digital Eschatology I N S E A R C H O F L O S T A N D I N V E N T E D T I M E 353 Martin L. Davies. Fin de siècle: On the Psychopathology of Historicized Life (translated from the English by Nina Stavrogina) 374 Riccardo Nicolosi. Nervous Century: Russian Psychiatry in the Late of 19th Century and the “Degeneration” of the Social Organism (translated from the German by Nina Stavrogina) 391 I.P. Smirnov. Catagenesis C O R P O R E A L I T Y, K I N E S T H E S I A , A N D M A T E R I A L I T Y D U R I N G F I N S D E S I E ´ C L E 401 Roger Smith. The Dance of Life (translated from the English by Igor Gorkov) 414 Olga Annanurova. An “Indescribable Feeling”: The Perceptual Experience of Viewing Stereoscopic Photographs in A. Ivanov’s novel Stereoscope 428 Marina Zagidullina. Deus ex machina: What Expansion of Mechanics and Electronics Makes to Human C U LT U R E S O F S E N S I B I L I T Y A N D A T T I T U D E I N R U S S I A N L I T E R AT U R E A T T H E T U R N O F A N E W C E N T U R Y 444 Ilya Vinitsky. The Night Before the Execution, Or the Russian Love Lyric on the Eve of Its Birth 460 Jonathan Stone. A Decadent Metaphysics: Zinaida Gippius, Bram Stoker, and the fin-de-siècle Anxiety (translated from the English by Igor Gorkov) 475 Aleksandr Murashov. Reflection of fin de siècle in the philosophy of history of the first trilogy by D. Merezhkovskiy T H E B I R T H O F T H E S U B J E C T F R O M T H E S P I R I T O F D E C A D E N C E 489 Helen Petrovsky. “On the Side of the New Barbarians”: Balabanov’s Semiotics of a Generation 509 Julia Vaingurt. At Home Among Others: Victor Pelevin’s Concept of the Reader (translated from the English by Alexandra Moroz) T H E T R A N S F O R M A T I O N O F G E N D E R R E G I M E S 524 Chris Nottingham. “The summit of all that is past and the turning point towards the future:” Ambitions and Inspirations in the English fin de siècle (translated from the English by Tatiana Pirusskaya) 548 Alla Mitrofanova. The 1917 Revolution in Gender 564 Dmitry Kuzmin. “What if we’re girls?”: Problems of Gender in Russian Poetry of the 1990s. First article 583 Gender Identity and Contemporary Literature. 11 Interviews with Denis Larionov Appendix 621 Henri de Latouche. Fragoletta, or Naples and Paris in 1799 (introductory remarks and translation from the French by Vera Milchina) B I B L I O G R A P H Y 640 Evgeny Savitsky. “Why would we compare centuries’ ends in Britain?” (Review of Briggs A., Snowman D., Fins de Siècle: How Centuries End, 1400—2000. Yale, 1996) 647 Anna Stogova. “Gender anarchy”: the Discourse of Liminality in Gender Studies (survey) 662 Artem Zubov. A “Disruption” as the Lens of Cultural History: On the Usefulness of Parallel Reading (survey) 672 Boris Falikov. Between Religion and Science: fin-de-siècle Occultism in France, Britain, and Russia (survey) 681 Abram Reitblat. Leonid Andreev as an Embodiment of the fin de siècle (Review of Boeva, G.N., Tvorchestvo Leonida Andreeva i epokha moderna. Saint Petersburg: Petropolis, 2016) 687 Our authors (in Russian) 689 Summary 704 Table of contents 708 Our authors (in English) Âåðíóòüñÿ íàçàä |