31 ÿíâàðÿ 2016

Oleg ARONSON (Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences; Department of Aesthetics, senior researcher; PhDolegaronson@yandex.ru;

Konstantin BARSHT (Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House), Russian Academy of Sciences; leading researcher; Dr. habil.konstantin_barsht@pushdom.ru;

Monica BLACK (University of Tennessee, Knoxville; associate professor, associate head, Department of History; PhDmblack9@utk.edu;

Konstantin BOGDANOV (Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House), Russian Acade my of Sciences; Literature Theory and Interdisciplinary Research Center, leading researcher; Dr. habil.konstantin.a.bogdanov@gmail.com;

Alek EPSTEIN (Center for Research in Contemporary Art; chairperson; PhDalekdep@gmail.com;

Elizaveta KLOCHKOVA (HSE; bachelors student; Faculty of Humanitieseaklochkova94@gmail.com;

Aleksey KONAKOV (independent researcher; St. Petersburgkonakov2004@mail.ru;

Olga KUPTSOVA (Lomonosov Moscow State University; Gerasimov Institute of Cinema -tography; State Institute of Art Studies; senior researcher; PhDokouptsova@yandex.ru;

Jan LEVCHENKO (HSE; professor, School of Cultural Studies, Faculty of Humanities; PhDjanlevchenko@hse.ru;

Maria NEKLIUDOVA (RSUH; senior researcher; RANEPA; head of Cultural Studies and Social Communication department; PhDm.s.neklyudova@gmail.com;

Aleksey PORVIN (independent researcher; St. Petersburgsensus_interni@mail.ru;

Olga ROGINSKAYA (HSE; associate professor; PhDoroginskaya@hse.ru;

Denis SALTYKOV (HSE; doctoral student; Faculty of Social Sciencesdenissaltykov@gmail.com;

Tatiana SMOLIAROVA (Toronto University; professor; PhDtatiana.smolyarova@utoronto.ca;

Stanislav A. SNYTKO (independent researcher; St. Petersburgstasspb2005@mail.ru;

Ivan SOKOLOV (St. Petersburg State University; graduate student, Department of Foreign Literatures; masters in philologybook_worm@mail.ru;

Sergey ZENKIN (RSUH; Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, research pro­fessor; Doctor of Sciencessergezenkine@hotmail.com.

- See more at: http://www.nlobooks.ru/node/6806#sthash.6miqoX0I.dpuf

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