ÈÍÒÅËÐÎÑ > Vol. 4, No 3. 2013 > A US Asian-Pacific Pivot Point Kirk Talbott, John Waugh, and Douglas Batson
Burma wavers on the cusp of a transition from conflict, plunder, and risk towards peace and a more open, stable society. A half-century of armed warfare, largely financed by the rapid exploitation of high-value natural resources, may be coming to an end in mainland Southeast Asia’s largest nation. The use and extraction of environmental assets will continue, however, to determine Burma’s political and economic future. Unfortunately, natural resources too often play a perverse role in preventing needed reforms in countries emerging from protracted conflict. In an era of fiscal constraint, “sequestration,” and a decade of Iraq and Afghanistan nation-building fatigue, how can the U.S. best aid Burma’s transformation? The on-the-ground situations in Burma, namely, ethnic conflicts, land grabs, internally displaced persons, each undergirded by a deep distrust of the central government, are as varied as they are fluid. U.S. foreign policy issues regarding the nation also known as Myanmar, beginning with that nation’s toponym, are so complex as to defy the Interagency and Tactical Conflict Assessment Frameworks, respectively vaunted by U.S. government civilian agencies and military services. Âåðíóòüñÿ íàçàä |