Анастасия Сергеевна Корнеенко с [13, 32]. В анализе концепта «истина» мы исходим из культурологического его понимания и этимологии слова «истина». Целью исследования было провести сравнительный анализ трех редакций романа и выяснить, какими семантическими смыслами оперирует Булгаков в том или ином случае и как это влияет на трансформацию идеи романа от редакции к редакции. Материалом исследования послужили три редакции романа: первая – «Копыто инженера» (1930–1932), вторая – «Великий канцлер» (1932–1934) и итоговый вариант «Мастер и Маргарита». В трех редакциях Иешуа вовлекает всех, с кем общается, в диалог. В редакциях «Копыто инженера» и «Великий канцлер» М. Булгаков употребляет концепт «истина» в научно-философском и сакральном смыслах. В окончательном тексте романа Иешуа предстал философом, который пребывает в поиске Истины. Anastasiya Sergeevna Korneenko CONCEPT OF "TRUTH" IN THE NOVEL OF MIKHAIL BULGAKOV'S MASTER AND MARGARITA The subject of our study was the concept of "truth" in Bulgakov's novel Master and Margarita. S. Stepanov gave the definition of the concept. Concept is like a clot of culture in human consciousness; then, in the form of which culture is the part of the mental world of a man. And, on the other hand, the concept is that by which a man — an ordinary, normal person, not a "creator of cultural values" — himself is included in the culture, and in some cases, affects it. In the analysis of the concept of "truth" we proceed from its cultural-and-etymological understanding of the word "truth". The aim of the study was to conduct a comparative analysis of the three editions of the novel and to find out what semantic meanings Bulgakov operates in a particular case and how it affects the transformation of the idea of the novel from edition to edition. Three editions of the novel were the material of the research: the first is " Engineer Hoof " (1930–1932), the second is Grand Chancellor (1932–1934) and the final version of "The Master and Margarita." In these three editions Yeshua involves everyone who he is talking to in the dialogue. In the editions Engineer Hoof and Grand Chancellor M.A. Bulgakov uses the concept of "truth" in scientific- philosophical and sacred meanings (plans). In the final text Yeshua appears as a philosopher who is in the search of the truth. Вернуться назад |