State Magazine is published monthly, except bimonthly in July and August, by the U.S. Department of State in Washington, DC. State Magazine is published to facilitate communication between management and employees at home and abroad and to acquaint employees with developments that may affect operations or personnel. The magazine is also available to persons interested in working for the Department of State and to the general public...
Nancy J. Powell
From the D.G.
John M. Robinson
Diversity Notes
Marjorie Stern, Alicia N. Cahoon
Good Accommodations
Brittney McClary
Family Album
Thomas Armbruster
Ship Visits
Tuan Vo
Forgotten Treasure
John Dyson
Assignment Leavenworth
Jonathan Mudge, Dan Martinez
Office of the Month
Hava Hegenbarth
Puppy Love
Tom Yun
Take Two
Rob Wiley
Debunking Urban Myths
Lauren Perlaza, Rick Marshall