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ALSA: Increasing Warfighter Interoperability

The Air Land Sea Application (ALSA) Center produces multi-Service tactics, techniques, and procedures (MTTP) publications that help Servicemembers every day, especially in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Established at Langley Air Force Base, Virginia, in 1975 just after the Vietnam War, ALSA is a joint organization that meets the immediate needs of the warfighter. The Chiefs of Staff of both the Army and Air Force identified the need to stand up an organization to increase Army/Air Force coordination and to cut through the "red tape" of the multi-Service doctrine development process. The idea of forming a joint organization to focus on this area emerged as an effort to fix Service interoperability.

20 октября 2010

Redefining the Center of Gravity

It does not matter what Carl von Clausewitz said about the center of gravity (COG) in the 19th century. What matters is how we want to use the COG concept in the 21st century. Joint doctrine, specifically Joint Publication (JP) 5–0, Joint Operation Planning, is clear on the concept's purpose and utility. However, its explanation on how to achieve that intent is handicapped because of a reliance on confusing and outdated definitions.

20 октября 2010

Immortal: A Military History of Iran and Its Armed Forces

BOOK REVIEW - Immortal: A Military History of Iran and Its Armed Forces
By Steven R. Ward, Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2009

20 октября 2010

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