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Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts: Putting the Inter into the Interagency

Genuine interagency coordination and collaboration remain merely aspirational. In order to achieve true interagency coordination and collaboration, horizontal and vertical reorganization of the executive branch is needed. Such horizontal reorganization would align departmental and agency expert areas and integrate regional responsibilities. Vertical reorganization would allow the President's principal officers to administer regional interagency directorates. With such reorganizations, U.S. departments and agencies could move beyond merely coordinating individual disparate efforts to integrated effects, with the kinds of results necessary to advance U.S.security interests.

01 апреля 2011

Enhancing U.S. Support for UN Peacekeeping

U.S. support for the UN Peacekeeping mission is critical to success. Enhanced support in financing and in providing personnel and other assets should be considered by the U.S. Administration. For the last four years, the Center for Complex Operations (CCO) and the National Defense University facilitated U.S. and UN discussions. This informal forum has allowed for candid and frank discussions of how the Department of Defense, Department of State, and the U.S. Agency for International Development together can help address and support the challenges of UN peacekeeping. Recommendations include providing additional resources and personnel, establishing a Deputy-level position at the National Security Council (NSC) to ensure senior level coordinated policy and tasking of U.S. support to UN peacekeeping, and creating a Clearing House to help fill UN gaps by tracking needs and capabilities. The recent operation in Haiti underscored the need for greater transparency in information sharing, striving to keep documents unclassified where feasible, and the use of online accessible social networking for information sharing.

01 апреля 2011

Human Security in Complex Operations

Human security has a multifaceted definition which includes the security of individuals rather than states; security from both violence and economic and environmental threats; and security that is established through law rather than through war. It is a concept that can facilitate both the way one understands complex operations and how one designs the toolkit for addressing these risks and dangers. Although related and overlapping, human security is distinct from counterinsurgency. Defeating insurgents may be a means to achieving the goal of human security. For counterinsurgency efforts, human security enhances the holistic security paradigm. Critics of the concept of human security argue that is either too soft or a cover for neoimperialism, and that human security either captures what is already done in practice or is a utopian, unachievable aspiration.

01 апреля 2011

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