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Evolving Internal Roles of the Armed Forces: Lessons for Building Partner Capacity

The end of the Cold War more than two decades ago created new international realities, along with hopes and expectations for greater peace and stability worldwide. Part of that peace dividend was expected to be the result of a decrease in defense spending, with direct consequences for the size and functions of nations’ armed forces.

17 апреля 2014

A Swift and Decisive Victory: The Strategic Implications of What Victory Means

The national purpose driving the build-up of the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) to its third generation has been the deterrence of any potential adversary and achieving victory if war does break out. Because the mission statement above serves as a guide for SAF’s defense policy and also its transformation efforts, it is important to be clear about what this “victory” entails.

17 апреля 2014

Rules of Engagement and Abusive Citizens

The time has come to draw lessons from the war in Afghanistan. One major concern is how the U.S. military ought to deal with civilians who are sporadic combatants, and civilians who act, part of the time, as support forces for combatants (by serving as intelligence agents, manufacturing ammunition and bombs, supplying provisions and transportation, and so on).

17 апреля 2014

Новости дня Мониторинг зарубежной прессы
Права человека в России: НПО "Мемориал"* как никогда подвергается опасности
Особое излучение может убивать Covid-19 и полиовирус, сообщают израильские ученые
TikTok, Snapchat и Instagram связали с депрессией в среднем возрасте
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