Military Adaptation in Complex Operations
The U.S. military today is engaged globally in the most demanding set of combat and stability tasks seen in over a generation—a host of challenges that have been called complex operations.
10 июня 2010
Addressing the Problem of Failed States: A New Instrument
The problem of failed states and ungoverned spaces is not new. Since the appearance of the first civilizations in Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, and India, there have been frontiers and wildernesses without governance. Naturally, these spaces often represented a grave threat to neighbors.
10 июня 2010
Through the Complex Operations Prism
It has been over 12 years since the Bill Clinton administration released Presidential Decision Directive (PDD) 56, “Managing Complex Contingency Operations.” PDD 56 was issued in May 1997 to direct the institutionalization within the executive branch of lessons learned from such complex operations as Panama, Somalia, Haiti, and Bosnia.
10 июня 2010