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Yaroslavl Forum Newsletter, March 29, 2011

The topic of the issue is «Russia and the Global Crisis of States»

Is it really possible to speak that modern states are presently suffering what can be termed a crisis of legitimacy? Does this crisis concern only the Middle East region or is it also being reflected in the West? What are the pillars that loyalty to today’s political institutions currently rests upon, without which the entire political system would inevitably collapse? Is it really considered out of fashion to be loyal to the state? Do government authorities and society need a new “social contract”? What is the main point around which such a new “social contract” could possible centre?

These questions are answered by the following experts:

John Dunn, a British philosopher and expert on the history of political thought, who represents the Cambridge school of political thought; Alexei Pushkov, a journalist, political scientist, author and host of the TV show ‘Postscriptum’; Chris Hedges, an American journalist, writer, and recipient of the Pulitzer Prize; Gerhard Mangott, an Austrian political scientist and Professor of Political Science at Innsbruck University; Vladimir Pligin, Chairman of the State Duma Committee for Constitutional Legislation and Nation-Building; and Andrew Kuchins, the Director of the Centre for Strategic and International Studies in Russia and the Eurasia Program.

This issue features a discussion about whether a crisis of Russian statesmanship could potentially emerge and how it is possible to prevent it. The following authors take part in this debate: Gleb Pavlovsky, the Editor-in-chief of the Russian Journal; Alexander Morozov, the Director of the Media Studies Centre at the Institute of Cultural Studies (UNIK); Alexander F. Filippov, a renowned sociologist and philosopher; and Valery Fadeev, the Director of the Institute for Social Planning and Editor-in-chief of the periodical ‘Expert’.

This issue also presents the opinion of Manuel Castells, a leading scholar of the information society, who is a Professor of Sociology at the University of California (Berkeley)

30 марта 2011


There is a profound crisis of political legitimacy all around the world. Over two-thirds of citizens, according to various global surveys, do not feel represented by their governments, and the lowest ranked occupation in terms of reputation in every society is politician.

30 марта 2011


When speaking of loyalty, we should distinguish between the loyal attitude of society towards the ruling power, which means support for the ruling power on the part of society, and the loyalty within the system of power itself, i.e. within the circles that are ruling the country. Loyalty within the power system is maintained by the ruling power itself, otherwise it can not function.

30 марта 2011

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