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Executive Summary

Recently I taught a lesson here at National Defense University on war termination. The required readings included a chapter from Fred Iklé’s seminal work, Every War Must End (Columbia University Press, 1971). Dr. Iklé initially published this book as the United States was looking for an exit from the Vietnam War. This classroom reading was a part of what turned out to be a timely and spirited discussion as the drawdown of forces in Afghanistan continues and events unfold around the likely U.S. response to Syria’s use of chemical weapons on its own citizens.

16 октября 2013

Widening the Aperture in Education

As noted in the Chairman’s Joint Education White Paper (dated July 16, 2012), we belong not only to a Profession of Arms, but also to a learning institution. Continued education allows us to become more proficient, more valued, and more relevant in our roles and responsibilities as senior noncommissioned officers (NCOs) and petty officers (POs)

16 октября 2013

From the Chairman

It is a great privilege to serve as your Chairman for another term. Together we will continue to protect our nation and honor our profession. Over the past 2 years, we have served together on the leading edge of historic changes. 

16 октября 2013

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