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Доклады » Convergence

About the Contributors

Michael Miklaucic is the director of research, information, and publications in the Center for Complex Operations (CCO), Institute for National Strategic Studies, at the National Defense University. He is also the editor of PRISM, the journal of CCO. Prior to this assignment, Mr. Miklaucic served in various positions at the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and Department of State, including USAID representative on the Civilian Response Corps Inter-Agency Task Force; senior program officer in the USAID Office of Democracy and Governance; and rule-of-law specialist in the Center for Democracy and Governance. During 2002–2003, he served as Department of State deputy for war crimes issues. He received his education from the University of California, London School of Economics, and School for Advanced International Studies. Mr. Miklaucic is an adjunct professor of U.S. foreign policy at American University and adjunct professor of conflict and development at George Mason University.

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ConvergenceДоклад Комиссии «Круглого стола 12 декабря»
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