Executive Summary
Department of Defense (DOD) components have been explicitly directed to address and integrate stability operations– related concepts and capabilities across a panorama of doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, and facilities, and applicable exercises, strategies, and plans.
26 мая 2010
Letter To the Editor
Admiral Mike Mullen hits the nail on the head with his recent article on strategic communication (JFQ 55, 4th Quarter 2009): actions do speak much louder than words. No amount of good news stories can outweigh the billions of dollars we spend to support governments that are corrupt in the eyes of their people and do not share our own ideals.
26 мая 2010
The Accidental Strategist
Joint Force Quarterly has devoted a great deal of ink to strategy and strategists in recent issues. This has occurred against a background of evolving allied strategies in South Asia as well as academic criticism of the quality of strategic thought in the U.S. Armed Forces.
26 мая 2010