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Restoring the "Unwritten Alliance": Brazil-U.S. Relations

America will need capable help in the hemisphere and worldwide, yet Washington has a troubled past with Brasilia that impedes partnership. Brazil has shown impressive economic growth and will gain further global visibility through hosting the World Cup in 2014 and Summer Olympics in 2016. Moreover, it has become a responsible actor in international affairs and shares such vital interests with the United States as dealing with Iran, and the transit of drugs from South America through Africa to Europe. Brazil’s huge population and resources can aid U.S. interests provided Washington helps with the two massive upcoming events, assists with the security concerns that will grow with Brazil’s economy and influence, and otherwise seeks points of convergence.

16 апреля 2013

Democracy Promotion in Oman

America has spent billions on military assistance and foreign aid to bolster cooperation with Persian Gulf States, yet the 2011 “Arab Awakening” shows the fragility of some states that heavily impact U.S. interests. Oman deserves a close look. While reform is widely desired, the population is generally prepared to work with the existing government. Democracy promotion programs could help Oman transition peacefully at an optimum pace. U.S. efforts should leave a small footprint and downplay Washington’s role because of Oman’s relationship with Iran. A moderate approach in Oman, lacking the jolting violence common with its neighbors, should make the country a top priority for U.S. policymakers hunting for a model for what is possible in the Middle East.

16 апреля 2013

Confronting Transnational Organized Crime: Getting It Right to Forestall a New National Security Threat

Transnational organized crime (TOC) is threatening to engulf regions and overwhelm governments, who are outfunded and outgunned by sophisticated networks with the savvy to conduct their activities on a global scale. An urgent interagency effort is needed to prevent an asymmetric security threat to the homeland and the Western Hemisphere. Also needed is information-sharing domestically and with partner nations. In this context, the military’s role in helping build partner capacity can hardly be overemphasized. U.S. Southern Command has developed the Whole-of-Society Information Sharing for Regional Display (WISRD) program through which participating organizations and nations share a comprehensive visualization of the TOC environment and meet a range of information requirements to help prevent criminal networks from further infiltration economies and governments

16 апреля 2013

Новости дня Мониторинг зарубежной прессы
Права человека в России: НПО "Мемориал"* как никогда подвергается опасности
Особое излучение может убивать Covid-19 и полиовирус, сообщают израильские ученые
TikTok, Snapchat и Instagram связали с депрессией в среднем возрасте
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