Журнальный клуб Интелрос » История философии » №17, 2012
Igor Djokhadze. Richard Rorty as Historian of Philosophy
The article provides a critical analysis of Richard Rorty’s conception of pragmatic hermeneutics as a «playful experimentation» with literary and philosophical texts. The historian's task, according to Rorty, is not to recover the authentic me-aning of the original text, but to create some new meanings (i.e. «redescribe» the text). Rorty's interpretation of John Dewey’s philosophy in «The Consequences of Pragmatism» (1982) serves as an illustration of such a vulgar «historicism».
Keywords: historiography, rational and historical reconstruction, anachronism, hermeneutics, interpretation, redescription, historicism.
Alexej Rutkevich. A.Kojeve’s History of Ancient Philosophy («Historical Introduction to System of Knowledge»).
This article presents A.Kojeve’s works on history of philosophy, his interpretation of Greek (Pagan) philosophy, its place in Kojeve’s Systemof Knowledge.
Keywords: history of philosophy, antiquity, pagan and christian thought, neohegelianism, systemof knowledge.
Irena Vdovina. Paul Ricoeur: A History of Philosophy as Self-Understanding of Philosophy
In exploring the question of the specificity of the history of philosophy P.Ricoeur discusses a number of issues, e.g. the problemof truth in the history and history of philosophy; the history of philosophy and sociology of know-ledge; history of philosophy and historical science; the role of researcher’s subjectivity in the historical and philosophical studies; specifics of philosophical questioning. The very theoretical and practical work of P.Ricoeur became an answer to these questions, the work which constituted a significant phase in the modern philosophy and the history of philosophy.
Keywords: history of philosophy, sociology of knowledge, historical knowledge, objectivity, truth, skepticism, eclecticism, dialogue, the meaning of creativity.
Irina Blauberg. History of Philosophy and Philosophy of History in Conception of Henri Gouhier
The article deals with the theoretical works of the known French historian of philosophy Henri Gouhier. He exposes dialectics of retrospection as a method of historical cognition, examines the problems of theory and me-thodology of historico-philosophical research. In his opinion, a truly historical approach, aimed at finding «lost time» – the time of described historical reality, is opposed to «philosophy of history» as a retrospective rationalization, which opens in the history of a plan or meaning.
Keywords: history, philosophy of history, history of philosophy, retrospection, H.Gouhier, continuity and discontinuity.
Yulia Rossius. On Betti' s theory of interpretation
This is an introduction to the first Russian translation of a chapter fromEmilio Betti's General Theory of Interpretation («La teoria generale della interpretazione») dealing with the analysis of historical interpretation. The paper elucidates the main concepts and principles of Betti's hermeneutics and exposes the circumstances under which his «general theory» was developed and created.
Keywords: hermeneutics, interpretation, methodology, representative form, Betti, Gadamer.
Emilio Betti. Historical Interpretation
This is a Russian translation of the chapter on historical interpretation fromEmilio Betti’s «General Theory of Interpretation». The main distinctive feature of this particular kind of interpretation is, according to Betti, its ‘discerning’ character, its goal being the recognition of thoughts and ideas contained in the so-called representative sources as relative to a given period in history. The problemwhich the interpreter has to deal with in this case is the discrepancy between thought and its representation in oral or written discourse. The specific criteria of historical interpretation also receive fromBetti a detailed treatment, as well as the application of the canons of hermeneutics to interpretative activity.
Keywords: hermeneutics, interpretation, representative form, historical question, Betti.
Elena Karpenko. Invention of «the Myself»: Destructive Extraction from Metaphysics’ Archives
This article aims to introduce and to represent the recent work of French historian of philosophy, Jean-Luc Marion’ disciple Vincent Carraud «The invention of the myself» (L’invention du moi, 2010). The review of principle thesis based on the textological research and on the original interpretation of «common place» of modern metaphysics are given. The difficulties of original texts translations and the sense distortions are analyzed.
Keywords: ego, the self (le soi), Dasein, the myself (le moi), soul (anima), substance, Descartes, Pascal, metaphysics.
Vincent Carraud. The First Myself (le moi): Pascal
The recent book of Vincent Carraud (1957) «L’invention du moi» (2010) represents the history of the concept «le moi» («the myself»), antecedent of any subject’s, consciousness and self’ modern philosophy theories. The first lecture analyses the language invention of Pascal – le moi: that is the substantivation of first personal pronoun, which comes fromCartesian expression ego ille. Carraud argues, the Pascal’s goal is «disqualification» of Cartesian metaphysics, other words «disqualification» of the thesis «ego autemsubstantia».
Keywords: concept «le moi», substantivation, substance, quality, Pascal, metaphysics.
Kirill Chepurin. Human Soul, its Intensity and Fate: an Introduction to Hegel’s Anthropology
This paper provides an introduction to Hegel’s anthropology, his doctrine of the human soul and the first part of his philosophy of subjective spirit, through an analysis of three key anthropological notions in Hegel: the spiritual Bestimmung of a human soul, the soul’s intensity, and its fate, Schicksal. Together, they elucidate anthropology’s relation to Hegel’s philosophy of spirit as a whole as well as to his philosophy of nature.
Keywords: Hegel, anthropology, soul, intensity, fate, individual, death, animal, spirit.
Tatiana Glebova. Body, Mind, Personality. Lain Entralgo’s Anthropology
The subject of this paper is the anthropological conception of Spanish philosopher Pedro Lain Entralgo. Based on the ideas of Zubiri his work aims to create the cosmological, evolutionary and dynamic anthropology. After a short biography of the philosopher the paper analyses the sources of his theory (Zubiri, Ortega-y-Gasset, Scheler, Weizsacker etc). Then the concepts of body, mind and personality are studied, paying special attention to one of the latest Lain Entralgo’s anthropological works «Idea del hombre».
Keywords: philosophical anthropology, Spanish philosophy, body, mind, personality.
Pedro Lain Entralgo. Zubirian Radicalization of Zubiri’s Anthropology
This paper is an abbreviated translation of two chapters of «Idea del hombre» by Pedro Lain Entralgo. The first chapter contains his vision of problems of creation and evolution. Lain criticizes existing concepts of spirit and matter and introduces concept of dynamismas the basis of his philosophical system. The second chapter is dedicated to the problemof consciousness, in particular to the analysis of symbolization as a specific human behavior.
Keywords: philosophical anthropology, matter, spirit, dynamism, cosmos, evolution, consciousness, symbol.
Vladimir Starovoitov. The Problem of I, Personality, Self in the Creative Work of Paul Ricoeur and in the Contemporary Psychological and Psychoanalytic Studies
The article reveals the specific character of the notions of I, Self, perso-nality in the creative work of Paul Ricoeur. It is shown that the entire successive way of personal development, considered by the French philosopher, was based on the original assumption of the mature I, the presence of which very often is very problematic. It is stated, that the concept of «capable man», deve-loped by Paul Ricoeur, must be supplemented with the research of capabilities of rebirth and regrowth of I.
Keywords: I, personality, self, capable man, narrative identity.
Igor Mikhaylov. Husserl’s Early Philosophical Program. Metaphysics, Theory of Cognition
The mature formof Husserl’s philosophy, commonly referred to as «trans-cendental phenomenology» has very soon became a way of approaching philosophical problems, hardly compatible with other influential philosophical movements of the 20-th сentury. While the «contextualization» of Husserl’s phenomenology is frequently attempted through the idea of «rigorous science» or the «theory of meaning», the article presents an other way of showing the unity of Husser’s intentions with contemporary philosophy. Metaphysics is taken as model that gives the early Husserl both an idea of philosophy, its nature and scope and the structure of his further systematic investigations in logics and theory of cognition.
Keywords: Husserl, phenomenology, metaphysics, logics, science, epistemology.
Monique Castillo. To a Question on Ethical Liaison of Wisdom and a Science
In article the historical developed sights at a parity of knowledge, a science, ethics and wisdomare analyzed. The author makes the conclusion about danger of absolutization of a role of a science and technics in performance of practical tasks and necessity of a philosophical and ethical estimation of means of the decision of actual problems of mankind.
Keywords: communication, science, etics, wisdom, values.
Yulia Gorbatova. A.Plantinga and his Modal Version of Ontological Argument
The main aimof this article is to reconstruct some concepts and aspects of Plantinga’s modal ontological argument. The author argues Plantinga’s proof not to be logically complete until the clarification of those concepts and aspects is provided. The author also seek to show that Plantinga's ontological argument cannot be regarded as logically impeccable and requires serious improvement even after a detailed reconstruction.
Keywords: ontological argument, modality, S5, Alvin Plantinga, proof.