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Журнальный клуб Интелрос » Laboratorium » лаб№1, 2021

Дуглас Роджерс
Корпорации в России

Douglas Rogers is this issue’s guest editor.
He is Professor of Anthropology and Direc-tor of the Program in Russian, East European,
and Eurasian Studies at Yale University. Address for correspondence:
Yale University, 10 Sachem St., PO Box 208277, New Ha-ven, CT 06511-8277, USA. doug.rogers@yale.edu.


This special issue of Laboratorium began as papers presented at a 2019 conference made possible in part by a Carnegie Corporation of New York grant to Yale Univer-sity’s Program in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies (no. G-19-57117). The Edward J. and Dorothy Kempf Memorial Fund and the European Studies Council at Yale University provided additional support. “The Russian Corporation/The Cor-poration in Russia” conference took up early modern and imperial corporations as well as the Soviet and post-Soviet corporations featured in this cluster, and I hope a group of articles on those topics will appear in another journal in due course. In composing this introduction, I have benefited from the memorably spirited engage-ment at the conference itself—interdisciplinary, international, and with expertise spanning four centuries—and the specific comments and suggestions of Elena Adasheva-Klein, Veronica Davidov, Egor Lazarev, Renata Mustafina, Agnieska Pasieka, and Lauren Woodard. The statements made and views expressed here re-main my responsibility.

Другие статьи автора: Роджерс Дуглас

Архив журнала
лаб№1, 2021№3, 2019№2, 2018№3, 2015№1, 2016№3, 2014№1, 2015№1, 2014№3, 2012№2, 2012№1, 2012№3, 2011№2, 2011№1, 2011№1, 2009№3, 2010№2, 2010№1, 2010
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