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Журнальный клуб Интелрос » Русский Журнал – Тема недели » №48, 2009

Vladimir Mironov

Such an assumption sounds unpersuasive. Absolutely all educational reforms carried out in the country in recent years embody the realisation of proposals put forward by the State University-Higher School of Economics (HSE). Notably, these reforms were carried out by the government that is criticised by MSU – recall, for instance, the Unified State Exam (USE) at the very least. It is hard to imagine that such critics belongs to a structure, which you imagine as positioning itself as presenting the ideology of the ‘party in power’ and, on the contrary, that the lobbying of these reforms is realised without its support...
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№60, 2011№59, 2011№59 (eng), 2011№58, 2011№58 (eng), 2011№57, 2011№57 (eng), 2011№56, 2010№56 (eng), 2010№55, 2010№55 (eng), 2010№54, 2010№54 (eng), 2010№53, 2010№52, 2010№52 (eng), 2010№51, 2010№51 (eng), 2010№50, 2010№50, 2010№49, 2009№49, 2010№48, 2009№48, 2009№46-47, 2009№45, 2009№28 (eng), 2009
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