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Журнальный клуб Интелрос » Русский Журнал – Тема недели » №48, 2009

Bo Zhiyue

Chinese universities were not very important in the beginning of the economic reform, because they were undersized with very few students and a lot of the university professors were underpaid. In 1977, China was just emerging from the Cultural Revolution. All the university facilities at this time were downsized, damaged, and so on. During this period, Deng Xiaoping, who was the leader of the reform movement, started a new initiative. Since then, China’s universities have expanded their importance and their influence. University professors are getting paid much better than before and we now have a much larger body of graduate and undergraduate students...
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№60, 2011№59, 2011№59 (eng), 2011№58, 2011№58 (eng), 2011№57, 2011№57 (eng), 2011№56, 2010№56 (eng), 2010№55, 2010№55 (eng), 2010№54, 2010№54 (eng), 2010№53, 2010№52, 2010№52 (eng), 2010№51, 2010№51 (eng), 2010№50, 2010№50, 2010№49, 2009№49, 2010№48, 2009№48, 2009№46-47, 2009№45, 2009№28 (eng), 2009
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