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Журнальный клуб Интелрос » Русский Журнал – Тема недели » №48, 2009

Andrey Ashkerov

Every university is essentially a state in miniature. For example, MSU somewhat resembles a miniempire, exploring new domains, and the State University-Higher School of Economics (HSE) is a state reflective of the era of globalisation, a mobile enclave of the present day. The ideological role of universities today is inversely proportional to the transformation of institutions of higher education into a servicebased institution, which seems to be a trend and, at the same time, related to the dogma of post-industrialism. A depoliticised education teaches anything other than politics as the art of self-determination, how to live alongside others, and how to resolve problems in difficult times. In relation to such political questions, universities are becoming less and less involved...
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№60, 2011№59, 2011№59 (eng), 2011№58, 2011№58 (eng), 2011№57, 2011№57 (eng), 2011№56, 2010№56 (eng), 2010№55, 2010№55 (eng), 2010№54, 2010№54 (eng), 2010№53, 2010№52, 2010№52 (eng), 2010№51, 2010№51 (eng), 2010№50, 2010№50, 2010№49, 2009№49, 2010№48, 2009№48, 2009№46-47, 2009№45, 2009№28 (eng), 2009
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