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Журнальный клуб Интелрос » Русский Журнал – Тема недели » №48, 2009

Elena Shestopal

Ideology shows itself when there is some subject trying to systematize its views, its values, to ‘pack’ them and produce them as an ideology. If there is no order for an ideology from some subject – represented by political parties or political leaders – then it is not going to be created by anyone, let alone by universities...
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№60, 2011№59, 2011№59 (eng), 2011№58, 2011№58 (eng), 2011№57, 2011№57 (eng), 2011№56, 2010№56 (eng), 2010№55, 2010№55 (eng), 2010№54, 2010№54 (eng), 2010№53, 2010№52, 2010№52 (eng), 2010№51, 2010№51 (eng), 2010№50, 2010№50, 2010№49, 2009№49, 2010№48, 2009№48, 2009№46-47, 2009№45, 2009№28 (eng), 2009
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