Журнальный клуб Интелрос » Сравнительная политика » №1, 2015
Публикации политологов МГИМО в зарубежных рецензируемых изданиях
- Alexei D. Voskressenski. Uneven Development vs. Searching for Integrity: Chinese Studies in Post-Soviet Russia. The China Review, Vol. 14, No. 2 (Fall 2014). P. 131–154
- Alexei D. Voskressenski. Non-Western Democracies and Western Political Systems / A.D. Voskresenski // Global Asia. 2013. Vol. 8, No. 3. C. 79–83.
- Alexei D. Voskressenski. The Three Structural Stages of Russo-Chinese Cooperation after the Collapse of the USSR and Prospects for the Emergence of a Fourth Stage // Eurasian Review. 2012. November. P. 1–15.
- Воскресенский А.Д. Международные стратегии великих держав и логика БРИКС / А.Д. Воскресенский // Русская литература и искусство. 2013. № 4. С. 100–105 (на китайском языке)
- Колдунова Е.В. Роль стран БРИКС в глобальном управлении / Е.В. Колдунова // Русская литература и искусство. 2014. № 1. С. 130–133 (на китайском языке)
- Koldunova E. Beijing and Beyond: Whither Russia’s Response to China and Asia’s Rise? / E. Koldunova // The Chinese Challenge to the Western Order / ed. by A. Fiori, M. Dian. Trento: FBK Press, 2014. P. 123–137.
- Koldunova E. Indo-Pacific Region: Perspectives from Russia / E. Koldunova // Indo-Pacific Region: Political and Strategic Perspectives / ed. by R.K. Bhatia, V. Sakhuja. New Delhi: Vij Books India Pvt Ltd, 2014.
- Koldunova E. Post-Crisis Regional Cooperation in East Asia: New Trends and Developments / E. Koldunova // Regions and Crisis. New Challenges for Contemporary Regionalisms / ed. by L. Fioramonti. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. P. 200–219.
- Koldunova E. Russia’ Entry into ASEM: Not Just a Courtesy Call? / E. Koldunova // ASEAN-Russia: Foundations and Future Prospects / ed. by V. Sumsky, M. Hong, A. Lugg. Singapore : ISEAS, 2012. P. 80–89.
- Koldunova E. Russia-Thailand Relations: Historical Background and Contemporary Developments / E. Koldunova, P. Rangsimaporn // ASEAN-Russia: Foundations and Future Prospects / ed. by V. Sumsky, M. Hong, A. Lugg. Singapore : ISEAS, 2012. P. 160–172.
- Kireeva Anna. Russia’s East Asia Policy: New Opportunities and Challenges / Anna Kireeva // Perceptions. Winter 2012. Vol. 17. No. 4. P. 49–78.
- Kireeva Anna. Regional Strategies and Military Buildup in East Asia and Indo- Pacific: A Russian perspective / Anna Kireeva // Maritime Affairs. 2014. Volume 10. Issue 2. P. 33–51.
- Olga Malinova. Obsession with Status and Ressentiment: Historical Backgrounds of the Russian Discursive Identity Construction // Communist and Post-Communist Studies 47 (2014). P. 291–303.
- Igor Okunev. The New Dimensions of Russia’s Geopolitical Code // Turkish Policy Quarterly. Spring 2013. Vol. 12, No. 1. P. 67–75.
- Igor Okunev, Aleksey Domanov. Space Imagination and Mixed Identity in Russian Towns Bordering on Finland // Human Geographies — Journal of Studies and Research in Human Geography. Vol. 8, No. 2, November 2014.
- Katri Pynnoeniemi, Irina Busygina. Critical Infrastructure Protection and Russia’s hybrid regime // European Security, 2013. Vol. 22, No. 4. P. 559–575.