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Журнальный клуб Интелрос » Strategic Reflections » Operation Iraqi Freedom

2. The Coalition, July 2004

Appendix 2

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) was not just a seminal experience for the U.S. military. Forces from more than 38 countries contributed effectively to the operation. As with the U.S. forces, the OIF experience had transformative effects on all the militaries that participated. The list above shows the 33 countries that were providing 23,000 forces to OIF when I assumed command in July of 2004. Armenia and Bosnia-Herzegovinia were added in 2005.

Coalition participation held fairly constant throughout my command tenure until completion of the United Nations timeline in December 2005 when it began to decrease. By the end of 2006 we had about two-thirds of the coalition forces that we had when I arrived in 2004.

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Operation Iraqi Freedom
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