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Brent C. Bankus and James Kievit
Vietnam and Iraq: Learning From the Past?

America’s Vietnam experience left lessons applicable in Iraq, particularly that a departing power must leave an indigenous military capable of defending the host nation’s interest. Apparent U.S. success in organizing, educating, and training security forces in Iraq to take over both counterinsurgency and stability operations encourages visions of a rapid withdrawal of U.S. Forces. Though a multi-echelon combined arms assault seems beyond the capability of opponents in the foreseeable future, that may not last forever. A full pullout sooner than a decade from now risks a repeat of the fall of South Vietnam. Accordingly, American professional military institutions must prepare an Iraqi force for both counterinsurgency and conventional combat operations

Brent C. Bankus and James Kievit
Vietnam and Iraq: Learning From the Past?

America’s Vietnam experience left lessons applicable in Iraq, particularly that a departing power must leave an indigenous military capable of defending the host nation’s interest. Apparent U.S. success in organizing, educating, and training security forces in Iraq to take over both counterinsurgency and stability operations encourages visions of a rapid withdrawal of U.S. Forces. Though a multi-echelon combined arms assault seems beyond the capability of opponents in the foreseeable future, that may not last forever. A full pullout sooner than a decade from now risks a repeat of the fall of South Vietnam. Accordingly, American professional military institutions must prepare an Iraqi force for both counterinsurgency and conventional combat operations
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