The role of the Combined Joint Task Force–Horn of Africa (CJTF–HOA) has evolved into one of persistent engagement focused on building host nation capacity in order to promote regional stability and prevent conflict. The indirect approach utilized by CJTF–HOA increases the security capacity of partner militaries through military-to-military and civil-military engagements involving projects that are coordinated via the Whole of Government "3D" process, and reinforced with strategic communications. Eight years of such operations have centered on building trust and confidence among vulnerable populations and the host military and government. Lessons learned reveal that security and stability can be more effectively attained through this 3D Civilian-Military coordinated approach, and that transitional and development projects support these goals best when constructed with quality, the partner nation military or local contractors are involved, and the project is outfitted with essential staffing, equipment and supplies, as coordinated between governments, and sustained by the host or partner nation. |