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Michael Wastila
Improving Joint Fires for Special Operations: A Mandate for the Joint Force Fires Coordinator

Joint fire support coordination remains problematic despite the strides toward jointness since Goldwater-Nichols was enacted in 1986. A principal advisor is needed who is tasked with planning and executing joint fires, yet joint doctrine has largely neglected the matter. The need is critical with the Joint Special Operations Task Force (JSOTF), where coordination is bifurcated where it exists at all. Doctrine allows only that a component focused on one function should manage joint fires and air support, with the result that other fire support elements are not included. A Joint Force Fires Coordinator at the JSOTF headquarters will help ensure integration, synchronization, and control of joint fires in support of special operations.

Michael Wastila
Improving Joint Fires for Special Operations: A Mandate for the Joint Force Fires Coordinator

Joint fire support coordination remains problematic despite the strides toward jointness since Goldwater-Nichols was enacted in 1986. A principal advisor is needed who is tasked with planning and executing joint fires, yet joint doctrine has largely neglected the matter. The need is critical with the Joint Special Operations Task Force (JSOTF), where coordination is bifurcated where it exists at all. Doctrine allows only that a component focused on one function should manage joint fires and air support, with the result that other fire support elements are not included. A Joint Force Fires Coordinator at the JSOTF headquarters will help ensure integration, synchronization, and control of joint fires in support of special operations.
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