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Securing Aerial Approaches to Joint Airfields

Adversaries search relentlessly for affordable, low-tech ways to counter U.S. military might, and joint doctrine needs to adapt to ensure that low-density/high-value assets are protected in proportion to their value to national security. For instance, no single service or functional component has clear accountability for securing joint aerial approach and departure corridors, leaving aircraft vulnerable to surface-to-air missile threats. A revision of the Air Base Defense Considerations section in Joint Publication 3–10 could provide the sort of guidance that publication gives for sea facilities in its Seaport Facility Defense Considerations section and close a crucial doctrinal seam. It would help ensure ongoing availability of strategic airpower capabilities and protect costly resources in a fiscally austere environment.

07 июля 2011

Book Review: How Terrorism Ends

Audrey Kurth Cronin has produced a work that is both insightful and frustrating—but it is frustrating for all the right reasons. Readers searching for definitive answers for the end of terrorism will be disappointed. So, too, will critics expecting a presentation of how "simple" it is to end terrorism. What readers will find is a book written conditionally and with much argument by counterfact, but active readers will find a rich source for debate. More critically, it is the right debate to have regarding terrorism and its threat today: namely, how will it end? One of the most effective themes throughout the book is that despite all of the contemporary hyperbole, historical experience shows that terrorist movements generally do not last long, and at some point in time, practically all of them come to an end. How that end is achieved—whether it is done by or at the expense of the state—and what lessons states today can take from past experiences are the major themes of this book.

07 июля 2011

Book Review: A Little War That Shook the World: Georgia, Russia, and the Future of the West

Ronald Asmus was recruited to the Bill Clinton administration State Department in 1997 from the RAND Corporation, where his writing on North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) expansion attracted attention. During the next 3 years, he worked to open NATO's door eastward. As Executive Director of the German Marshall Fund of the U.S. office in Brussels until his death in April 2011, Asmus opened discussion on the future scope of the Alliance and European Union (EU) in the Balkans and beyond the Black Sea.

07 июля 2011

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