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Building the Security Force That Won't Leave

If Afghans are to be weaned away from the insurgents, they must be convinced they will not be left unprotected by an America and an international community who are both eyeing the exit. Assurance will come from empowered Afghan National Security Forces who, being indigenous and capable and buttressed by NATO Training Mission–Afghanistan (NTM–A), will be an enduring presence. NTM–A supports the overall mission of building Afghan capacity by producing the forces required to provide security and stability for the population and to safeguard Afghanistan’s borders. Meantime, Washington will need the political patience to maintain a substantial military presence in Afghanistan for the indefinite future

07 июля 2011

Establishing a Framework for Intelligence Education and Training

The failings of the Intelligence Community in the field are partly due to inflexible thinking. Accordingly, education versus training alone is needed so intelligence operatives can pursue their missions where instructions are poor or where they leave off altogether. Education should alleviate practitioners trying to fit the environment to their training rather than the reverse. The National Intelligence University will provide intelligence education with programs focused on understanding an adversary’s capabilities and intentions, along with broader intelligence challenges such as sociocultural trends and conflicts, failed and failing states, terrorism, proliferation, and the emergence of nonstate actors. Success calls for understanding intelligence, the importance of both intelligence training and education, and the need to synthesize these elements.

07 июля 2011

On Military Theory

A sound military theory must draw on the history of the conduct of war in all aspects. Historical examples and lessons learned clarify or provide evidence in support of statements and theoretical constructs. But a vision of future war is needed, too. A useful theory should fully consider the effect of present and coming technologies, yet it must not rely on those exclusively. A sound theory must be general and adaptable, focusing on timeless ideas rather than fleeting ones. It should isolate war’s patterns and be clearly stated. The only test of its usefulness is its application in war. It must be altered or abandoned when it departs from reality.

07 июля 2011

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