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The Case for the Junior Joint Logistics Officer Training Program

Each Service assigns significantly different ranks, tasks, and courses to its junior logisticians, yet they share core business fundamentals and competencies. These redundant resources could more streamlined, joint, and efficient. Why does DOD allow such redundancy in its training pipeline? Moreover, if the Defense Logistics Agency and U.S. Transportation Command are logistics headquarters with intermediate and senior level logisticians, and current training gears graduates toward the same professional objective, why isn't there combined or joint entry-level logistics training? Even though DOD has instituted joint logistics training from the mid-level up with varying degrees of success, this cross-Service study proposes a holistic and unified approach to training from the entry-level up through the proposed Junior Joint Logistics Officer Training program (J2LOT).

10 апреля 2014

Leveraging U.S. Civilian Capabilities in Africa

The United States is able to respond effectively to domestic emergencies at all levels of government. Washington needs to export those capabilities to improve governance and economics in Africa. The State Department, Defense Department, and USAID, along with other Federal and state departments and agencies and assorted nongovernmental organizations, often produce an incoherent foreign policy. The “National Response Platform” (NRP) and “National Response Force” (NRF) concepts allow a more focused whole-of-nation approach. African nations become markets for U.S. products and services as standards of living improve across the continent. Moreover, they become net contributors to global stability and economic growth. Innovative ideas combined with commitment to Africa points the way forward for continued U.S. economic, ethical, and moral preeminence

10 апреля 2014

Silent Watch: The Role of Army Air and Missile Defense

The Army’s G-3/5/7 represents Army air and missile defense (AMD) interests in forums with the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Missile Defense Agency, the Joint Staff, and combatant commanders, and chairs monthly General Officer Steering Committees focused on AMD. Army leadership understands AMD's strategic importance and is allocating resources accordingly. A combination of strategic factors has elevated the importance of Army AMD including threats that have evolved in capability, complexity, and capacity; a defense strategy and policy that place a high value on an enduring deterrence capability; and an increasing need to maintain joint operational access to distant regions. These strategic factors have increased the operational demand on the Army’s existing AMD force and that will continue.

10 апреля 2014

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