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Airpower and Globalization Effects: Rethinking the Five Rings

Expecting the Desert Storm model to provide a quick victory is unrealistic against modern industrialized nations. A strategic interdiction strategy addresses operations against countries with advanced air defense systems but does not rely on deep penetration into defended airspace from distant bases, a significant force structure, and a design challenge that may be insurmountable. Instead it relies on capable air and naval forces to affect the most exposed and the most critical parts of a country’s “system.” The strategy has wide applicability for many crisis conditions and is well suited to an escalatory response because it contains nonlethal and reversible options. Moreover, elements of the strategy can be conducted on short notice with limited forces and undertaken from substantial distances.

10 апреля 2014

Targeting the JIIM Way: A More Inclusive Approach

Assorted publications and joint doctrine have evolved to incorporate Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental, and Multinational (JIIM) organizations into the military planning process. Including these actors is a major thrust of joint doctrine including JP 5-0, Joint Operation Planning, yet we fall short when planning meets execution. It is only when JIIM partners are fully synchronized in both planning and execution that we will realize the desired comprehensive effects. However, the current edition of JP 3-60, Joint Targeting, neglects to adequately address all the JIIM considerations required to synchronize activities and needs further revision. Furthermore, the military should engender greater cross-organizational exposure to interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational partners to include greater integration of professional development/education programs and training exercises.

10 апреля 2014

Shaping a 21st-Century Defense Strategy: Reconciling Military Roles

This article advocates adapting the joint force to the emerging security strategy and security environment by enhancing the military’s shaping capabilities. Drawing on a dynamic equilibrium metaphor, the article considers several simultaneous stimuli that warrant adaptation of the force and a shift in focus to shaping capabilities. Central among them is the U.S. national security strategy shift from deterrence and containment to cooperation and engagement. It is important that military shaping capabilities be resourced in support of this strategy to prepare the Joint Force to take advantage of opportunities to protect and advance U.S. interests short of war, as well as confront aggression anywhere in the world at the outbreak of hostilities.

10 апреля 2014

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