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Joint Force Quarterly#73, 2nd Quarter 2014

Тема номера: Evolving Theory for Cyberspace (Разрабатывая теорию для киберпространства)

10 апреля 2014

Cross-Domain Synergy: Advancing Jointness

Achieving cross-domain synergy is ultimately about evolving the understanding of jointness, which cross-domain perspectives on military problems advances. Improved jointness enables more effective combination of the capabilities of the Armed Forces and the achievement of cross-domain synergy in joint operations. To improve jointness the military needs to shift from Service-centric approaches to a mindset that holistically views the military problem and considers the full range of available capabilities. It also requires changes in the way the military accesses and integrates capabilities, essentially transcending Service and combatant command ownership of capabilities and assuming a global perspective on military operations to achieve globally integrated operations. It is crucial that the military bases tomorrow's joint force on the lessons of recent combat experiences

10 апреля 2014

Intelligence Collection

In this companion piece to the authors’ 2010 work, Intelligence Analysis: How to Think in Complex Environments, Wayne Hall and Gary Citrenbaum have brought forth a superior forum by which to consider the challenges associated with intelligence collection in complex environments. Each author brings with him a lengthy résumé of credible service in the intelligence field. Hall is a retired U.S. Army officer with over 30 years of intelligence experience, and he has remained active within the intelligence field by participating in numerous seminars on intelligence training and intelligence transformation. Citrenbaum is actively involved in issues associated with intelligence transformation. Accordingly, both speak with authority on the issues they raise.

10 апреля 2014

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