How Agatheistic Account of Doxastic Pluralism Avoids the Shortcomings of Hickian Pluralism
The paper outlines an original solution to the problem of ‘doxastic pluralism’ understood asirreducible pluralism of beliefs (doxa) in the areas where knowledge (episteme) is in princi-ple unavailable.
13 мая 2020
The Right to Believe that only one Religion is true
Some philosophers claim to show that religious diversity should lead rational beings to findsome conciliation between them. They say that diversity should mean that no one could pre-tend to hold the truth.
13 мая 2020
Religious Diversity and Rational Choice of Religion
In my essay I consider the situation of a person who really believes in the existence oftheUltimate Reality. The person in question should choose one of the historical religions orconstruct his or her own pluralist-sceptical Meta-religion.
13 мая 2020