The importance of religious diversity for religious disagreement. Are the perspectives of believer and philosopher so different?
The fact of religious diversity is vital for the philosopher of religion but also, to some extent,for the believer of a given faith. It takes place in such a dimension in which the views ofagiven believer or the meaning of the practice of a given religion presupposes the truthful-ness of specific claims concerning a given religion or the beliefs included in it. If now onthepart of the philosopher of religion or the followers of another religion, there is a direct orindirect challenge to such a key proposition, religious disagreement with epistemic dimen-sion is involved.
13 мая 2020
Hegel, Comparative Religion and Religious Pluralism
Hegel’s Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion played an important role in the developmentof the concept of world religions. Writing at the time of a great wave of interest in non-European cultures in the first half of the 19th century, Hegel was among the first to realizethereality of religious pluralism. He saw that a philosophy of religion that wanted to favor Christianity must at a minimum have some story to tell about the other religions oftheworld.
13 мая 2020
Вина и прощение в истолковании Нагорной проповеди Мартином Лютером
Отталкиваясь от сегодняшних экуменических дискуссий о том, как следует обра-щаться с виной, которую церкви навлекли на себя в своем отношении к другимцерквам, статья рассматривает с евангелической точки зрения интерпретацию Мар-тином Лютером прощения грехов и вины.
13 мая 2020