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Журнальный клуб Интелрос » ГОСУДАРСТВО РЕЛИГИЯ ЦЕРКОВЬ » №3, 2020

Максим Пулькин
Старообрядцы-странники во второй половине XIX — начале ХХ в. (на основе отчетов каргопольских миссионеров)

СТАРОВЕРЫ-СТРАННИКИ (их также нередко называют бегунами или скрытниками) привлекали внимание современников событий необычным стилем повседневной жизни. Особенности общин бегунов закономерно привели к значительным трудностям в исследовании причин и обстоятельств их появления. Бòльшая часть специалистов связывает возникновение страннического согласия с именем инока Евфимия (1743– 1792). Наиболее фундаментальные труды принадлежат перу Е.Е. Дутчак и А.И. Мальцева.


Old Believers Wanderers in the Second Half of the 19th — Early 20th Century
( Based upon Reports of Kargopol Missionaries)

Maxim Pulkin 
Karelian Scientific Center
of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Petrozavodsk State University
(Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation)

The article discusses the patterns of everyday life of the Old Believers- wanderers in the territory of Kargopol district of the Olonets province. It draws upon new archival materials of church and secular origin, as well as a number of significant works by the missionaries. The study explores peculiarities of the wanderers’ worldview, the forms and methods of their preaching activity, and the structure of their communities. The wonderers’ teaching was deeply eschatological, which led to a complete break with “the world of Antichrist”. The study provides a detailed description of the everyday life of the wanderers. An important feature in the life of these communities was constant and intensive ties between territories where their co-religionists were present. Particular attention is paid to the problems of mutual perception and confrontation between the wanderers and government representatives (police and clergy). The wanderers’ activities, in spite of their eschatological attitudes, showed in fact their intense involvement with the outside world.

Другие статьи автора: Пулькин Максим

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