Журнальный клуб Интелрос » ГОСУДАРСТВО РЕЛИГИЯ ЦЕРКОВЬ » №3, 2016
Как вы пришли в богословие? Вы ведь вы - росли в ГДР...
Михаэль Габель: Я пришел в богословие через тезисы марксиз- ма-ленинизма, которые я считал ложными. Мне нужна была яс- ность, особенно в том, что касается вопроса о соотношении веры и естественных наук. Ответ, который предлагали коммунисты — либо вера, либо наука, — меня не удовлетворял.
Michael Gabel “In the case of theology we have three actors:
state, church and theology as a science…”
Michael Gabel —
Catholic Theological Faculty,
University of Erfurt (Germany).
Dr. Gabel starts his interview with a story of Catholic theological education in GDR, and then moves to the current state of theology in German universities. He emphasizes the fact that while the state finances theological departments, they are only subject to academic community. He then shows the mechanism of coordination of the requirements between the Catholic Church and the relevant State agencies. The State recognizes theology as a scientific discipline according to the 2010 decision of the German Council of Science and Humanities. Dr. Gabel draws basic characteristics of theology as a free academic discipline and then discusses the phenomenon of the so called Fakultätentag and the work of AKAST — a special state-church agency managing the accreditation and quality of theological disciplines, which Dr. Gabel heads since 2014.