Журнальный клуб Интелрос » ГОСУДАРСТВО РЕЛИГИЯ ЦЕРКОВЬ » №1, 2015
Alexander Kyrlezhev
The Post-Soviet Transition and the Science of Religion
Alexander Kyrlezhev — Research Fellow of the St. Cyril and Methodius
Post-Graduate Institute of the Russian Orthodox Church;
Member of the Synodal Biblical and Theological Commission of the
Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow, Russia). kyrlezhev@gmail.com
This text is an extended review of the volume «Science of Religion, Scientific Atheism, Religious Studies. Current Problems of the Science of Religion in 20th-21st centuries Russia» (editor K. Antonov, 2014). The review emphasizes the need of de-Sovietization of the religious studies that in the Soviet times existed under the rubric of «scientific atheism». The volume’s authors were right to present the Soviet religious studies as an amalgam of scientific and non-scientific approaches and practices. The Soviet scholars studied religion while they were expecting its near disappearance. With such orientation, it was almost impossible to follow thorough scientific procedures: the science as such was determined by the overall condicio sovetico with its unescapable mixture of what is what ought to be. The post- Soviet transition is supposed to be a way of de-ideologization, and this principle should be applied to such a new form of ideological bias as confessional engagement, which apparently has replaced the old «scientific atheism» of the Soviet era
В обсуждаемом сборнике представлены результаты коллективного исследования истории отечественного религиоведения ХХ — начала XXI в. Как говорится в аннотации, «основной целью работы является проблематизация устоявшихся подходов и представлений, сложившихся вокруг феномена „научного атеизма“, его истоков и форм влияния на современную религиоведческую науку». Отдавая должное редактору-составителю за корректность (в том числе «политкорректность») этой формулировки, все‑таки скажем — с точки зрения читателя, — что главной целью исследования была десоветизация отечественной «науки о религии».