Журнальный клуб Интелрос » Laboratorium » №3, 2014
Luc Boltanski. On Critique: A Sociology of Emancipation.
Cambridge: Polity Press, 2011.
Lisa Knoll. Address for correspondence: Universität Hamburg, WISO / SoWi, Allende–
Platz 1, D-20146 Hamburg, Germany. lisa.knoll@wiso.uni-hamburg.de.
On Critique is an interesting piece of work, wherein Luc Boltanski demonstrates his intellectual versatility and his urge to resolve the puzzle of social action (reflexivity and routine, critique and domination) and gives this permanent challenge in sociology a fresh impulse. The book chapters emerged from lectures in Frankfurt and Berlin. In these lectures Boltanski defended the theses of a pragmatic sociology of critique, developed together with Laurent Thévenot and Ève Chiapello—against Pierre Bourdieu’s critical sociology. One of the main puzzles to resolve is the discrepancy between a claim for everyday critical capacity described in On Justification (Boltanski and Thévenot [1991] 2006) versus the obvious historical decline in critique since the 1980s investigated in The New Spirit of Capitalism (Boltanski and Chiapello [1999] 2005). The challenge for Boltanski is to explain this astonishing absence of critique without falling back on over-socialized explanations, where people are dominated without even knowing or sensing it (125). His aim is to develop a sociology that may capture cycles of domination and critique, where the institutional order and its critique exist upon their reciprocal weakness (57). In Boltanski’s sociology people experience both the convenience and the inconvenience of the institutional order. Hence, the institutional order needs to constantly reify itself and declare its reality—or even its “truth”—against the unorganized flux of life and the challenges of critique.