Елена Богданова
Исследования жалоб: традиции и перспективы
Кэтрин Лебоу
Автобиография как жалоба: польский социальный мемуар межвоенного периода
Елена Богданова
Религиозные оправдания жалоб, адресованных президенту, в современной России
Milla Fedorova
“Give Me the Book of Complaints”: Complaint in Post-Stalin Comedy
Marianna Muravyeva
The Culture of Complaint: Approaches to Complaining in Russia—An Overview
Freek van der Vet
Protecting Rights in Strasbourg: Developing a Research Agenda for Analyzing International Litigation from Russia
Beate Fieseler
Politische Kommunikation in der Diktatur: Deutschland und die Sowjetunion im Vergleich
Lisa Knoll
Luc Boltanski. On Critique: A Sociology of Emancipation
Григорий Юдин
Люк Болтански, Лоран Тевено. Критика и обоснование справедливости: Очерки социологии градов
Marina Kurkchiyan
Kak sud’i prinimaiut resheniia: Empiricheskie issledovaniia prava. Sbornik statei, edited by Vadim Volkov
Виктор Шнирельман
Elise Giuliano. Constructing Grievance: Ethnic Nationalism in Russia’s Republics
Boris Pаtric
Madeleine Reeves. Border Work: Spatial Lives of the State in Rural Central Asia
Nicolette Makovicky
Virág Molnár. Building the State: Architecture, Politics, and State Formation in Post-War Central Europe
Vera Skvirskaja
About the Hearth: Perspectives on the Home, Hearth and Household in the Circumpolar North
Sergei I. Zhuk
Mark Solovey. Shaky Foundations: The Politics-Patronage-Social Science Nexus in Cold War America
Christian Dayа
Joy Rohde. Armed with Expertise: The Militarization of American Social Research during the Cold War
Lеonard Moulin
Richard Münch. Academic Capitalism: Universities in the Global Struggle for Excellence