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Журнальный клуб Интелрос » Strategic Perspectives » №13, 2013


The six initiatives mentioned above are only a few examples of the many areas and activities that the Action Plan will have to cover. From intelligence-sharing to capacity-building, from SOF to training, technology, and capabilities, the new NATO policy guidelines mark the beginning of a new phase of NATO’s engagement in countering terrorism. However, these initiatives may well be necessary conditions to place counterterrorism at the center of NATO’s post-ISAF agenda and NATO at the forefront of the international counterterrorism effort. This does not mean that NATO seeks a leading counterterrorism role, and the policy guidelines are very clear in this respect. Rather, it means that NATO’s contribution should be acknowledged and accepted for the added value it brings to the common endeavors. Eleven years after 9/11 and the commencement of operations in Afghanistan, the Allies have come to accept the notion that NATO cannot be the main player in countering terrorism, but it is a player nonetheless

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№13, 2013№11, 2012№7, 2011№6, 2011№5, 2011№4, 2011№3, 2010
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