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Журнальный клуб Интелрос » Свободная мысль » №3, 2015




Mikhail Delyagin

In a Context of Global Transformation.The Russian-Chinese Cooperation in XXIth Century

Article analyzes the main aspects and prospects of global crisis and a role of the bilateral relations of Russia and China in its development and in the world after failure in a global depression. The principle of opposition of global business and the national states is proclaimed, idea of the Beijing consensus as instrument of protection of the people against global monopolies develops. The most perspective directions of cooperation of Russia and China are described. The assessment of the main opponents and hidden supporters of strategic partnership of our two countries is given.


Stephen F. Cohen

Ukrainian Crisis. A New Cold War?

A famous American historian prof. Stephen F. Cohen (University of New York) analyzes the most difficult problems of contemporary international politics; he means the Civil war in Ukraine, the new cold war between US and Russia and the appearance of the most dangerous crisis since the time of Cubanian (or missile) crisis of the beginning of 1960s. The author explains the causes of the Ukrainian crisis and argues the failure of US and the West’s attempts to shift the blame on Russia and Putin’s politics. Step by step he shows how Washington and Brussels used the propaganda myths and tried to mask their attempts to redirect Ukraine to the West and to integrate it into the NATO.




Alexander Domrin

USA and the Constitutional Coup of 1993 in Russia

The famous Russian lawer, ex-functioner of the Suprem Council of Russian Federation (1990—1993) explains the forms of US government participation in the constitional (i.e. ANTI-constitutional) coup of Russian President Boris Yeltsin in the autmn of 1993. Using a great number of Russian and American sourcers, the author analyzes all the most important elements and mechanisms of the process.


Andrey Fursov, Kirill Fursov

Secret Services, Islamism and the bin Ladens Family

The article reviews two well-known books written by the American analyst, twice-Pulitzer-Prize-winning journalist Steve Coll devoted to the twenty-year history of Islamism and its close relations with the US, Pakistani and Saudi secret services. Special attention is paid to the eighty-year history of the bin Laden family.


Elena Larina

Enemy in Front of the Gate… Who Is?

The article is the first part of an analytical cycle about prospects of the Russian-American relations in the context of global dynamics. The article is devoted to widely discussed and low-investigated issue of inter- and intra-elite interaction and an antagonism at the supranational, subregional and national levels.





Alexey Podberezkin

Near the Frontier. A Possible Scenario of International and Strategical Situation Development after 2021

The article is devoted to analyze the possible scenario of international and strategical situation development after 2021. The author thinks that in this period the conflict between Russia and Western civilization will become stronger. By this time Russian leaders must to implement a complex of measures; the main of these measures are proposed in the article.


Elena Ponomareva, Georgij Rudov

Confrontational Partnership

The gravest crisis which has been going on in Ukraine since late 2013 and which has led not only to the collapse of the economy and the state system of the country, but also to tens of thousands of victims among the civil population, was in a large measure provoked and even predetermined by the principles and mechanisms of the realization of the European programme “Eastern Partnership” (EaP). The long-term result of the catastrophe in Ukraine proved to be the unbalancing of the whole system of international relations. The article analyzes the main motivations, goals and tasks of the key players in the EaP programme. One of the main conclusions is an assessment of the EaP programme as initially confrontational towards Russia and forming antagonistic environment in Europe which in its turn paralyzes any initiative to create integrated space from Lisbon to Vladivostok.




Andrey Andreev, Vladimir Petukhov


The authors concludes that now one can see the good attitude of the Russians firstly towards the states, that share with Russia its interpretation of the historical past and that are ready to be integrated together with Russia into various geopolitical and geo-economic projects. And during these processes one can see the gradual transformation of the system of the representations and meanings of the modern Russian identity matrix. However, this matrix cannot unequivocally be described as Eurasian. Rather, it is possible to talk about the formation in the Russian society of a new historical project of “alternative Europe”.


Alexander Neklessa

Heart of Darkness

The author argues that the modern world system is in the situation of the profound crisis. The exterior manifestations of this crisis are the fall of importance of national state, from one side, and the growth of importance of the transborder dynamics. The symptom of profound social and mental changes are the attempts to deconstruct the modern civilization and the new type of terrorism, connected with the phenomenon of “dearth culture”, based on the nihilistic consciousness, which has profound historical and gnoseological origins.


Dmitry Davydov, Leonid Fishman

The Future of Capitalism: From litRPG to Futurology

The article is devoted to the prospects of capitalism in times of technological displacement of labor. In the spotlight – a possible utilization of labor in virtual worlds and corresponding consequences associated with alienation from real real-ity and technological rent-oriented behavior. The authors examine some possible scenarios of the future relying on futurological predictions of litrpg science-fiction writers and the forecasts of some foreign social theorists. One such scenario con-sists in the gradual withering away of capitalism and its fundamental principles — diligence and the “spirit” of entrepreneurship.




Vakhtang Surguladze

Phenomenon of “Byzantism” and Its Perception in Russia and in the West

Only distant, superficial acquaintance with Byzantine can create the dominant view of her as inanimate, frozen for centuries historical body. In conditions when Russia faces hostile ideological pressure of the West, Russian society need to strengthen its own unique values, defend its own ideals, should know, love and to be able to appreciate its historical and cultural heritage, part of which is impact perceived by Russia from Byzantine.


Vage Davtyan

Eurasian Economic Union: Problems of Energy Integration of Armenia

The key problems of integration of the Armenia’s energy system in a single energy market within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union are presented. Some normative bases for the formation of a common energy market are analyzed. The general characteristics of the Armenian energy system are given, the main problems hindering full integration, as well as the geopolitical aspects of this problem are shown. The role of the Russian capital in the functioning of a number of large power objects of the country are estimated. It is revealed that Armenia's signing the EAEU is a political project implemented primarily for military security purpose.



Viktor Pernatsnky

The Phenomenon of Social Reality

The article is devoted to analyze the genesis and the characteristic features of social reality. The author (whose ideas are based on the principles of F. Engels’ labor theory) explains the phenomenon like nature and genesis of the mankind, sociogenesis, politogenesis etc. He emphasizes the importance of the “second” (o social) birth of man, which is comparable with the importance of his “first” (o biological) birth.




Boris Romanov

Pulse of Time

The author of review dedicated to the monograph, written by sociologist Alexander Shipkov, emphasizes the organic connection between neoliberalism and fashism, which explains the fact of support of the contemporary Ukrainian neonazy regime by Western democracies. A. Shipkov researches the origins of fascism as a dictatorship, installed in the interest of main capitalist groups. He argues the difference between the right and the left types of traditionalism. The reviewer highly evaluates the content of the reviewed book.


Andrey Maidansky

Conservative Revolution. Mikh. A. Lifshitz in Classes of Hegel

Researching Hegel’s works, Soviet philosopher Mikhail Lifshitz was trying to understand logic of revolution and of the post-revolutionary development of culture. Following the ideas of Belinsky, M. Lifshitz interpreted the Hegel’s term of Welt-geist (the World Spirit) into the “pathos”, which reflected the objective force of his-torical situation, of conditions. M. Lifshitz understood the Social Revolution as a conflict of two pathos. The first of them was the egalitarian, anarchic passion for de-struction, and the second one was the forth of culture self-preservation.

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